Monday 1 June 2015

The Cycle of Debts

Something my friend said: "Life is a cycle of debts."

This is quite a big revelation to me. Particularly because I'm in this sticky situation where the base of my family is constantly wavering.

We shouldn't think this way, he said to me. I know, I don't want to either.

But for the first time I teared up thinking about what he told me. It's really sad to have this mindset and here's my two cents about ties and debts.

We are all revolving around the concept of hierarchy and the continuation of generations. We think that we have to pay back what our parents gave us, the experiences we were given, friends and educators. This mindset has slowly turned life into a give-and-take game. We are not aware of this because it's so common, it's practiced by all thus it has become a norm of society.

Children study hard, because the parents want them to. Children make money, to repay the parents. We buy gifts for friends because they gave us gifts. We buy someone dinner, because they gave us great advice. And the list goes on.

You see, this is a cycle of you-give-me-and-i'll-give-you. Some do it willingly, some are forced to, some just go with the flow like it's the most natural thing to do. It is. It really is. Take note that sincerity doesn't matter in this cycle because with or without the heart, people would still do it anyway.

I'm not saying that we should be insincere, instead we should just do what is right and do it willingly. To come clean, what's right and what's wrong depends on what it brings. If it brings happiness then it's always right, because happiness is priceless. If it doesn't, well that's just plain unhealthy.

Since we cannot just abandon this practice, we should all look at the big picture and weigh the good and the bad. We should not think of this as debts and we can see this as dedication. A movement to improve ourselves and the people around us. What we are doing will help us strengthen the bonds of relationships and it will definitely bring everyone equal benefits that are essential in daily life.

Inspire others to inspire ourselves, stay happy, C.

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