Friday 29 May 2015

The Moment I Felt Most Loved

Birthdays are great.

Someone made me a cake.
A non-bake chocolate cream cheese.
With Oreos and Cadbury base.
Topped with Kit Kat.

That was(is) so so sweet, literally and otherwise.


That someone was a person I often had arguments with.
I was the one who constantly attack him.
He's a great guy.
He doesn't hold grudges.
He's funny and all.
We had our conflicts, I was wrong.
Let's put it behind us.
Thanks for the cake.
The sweetest thing you can ever receive is a handmade cake.

I'm so easy sometimes.
My heart wavers too easily.

My friends took effort to stay till midnight to send me wishes.
While I was dozing off.
Taking a quick nap.
Setting my alarm to 11:50 pm.
I'm not a night person.
Unless there are great movies to watch.
I wanted to wait till midnight too.
To wait for wishes. 
hahaha just let me be a narcissist for a day.

I love long messages.
I love how people actually take their time to write them.
I love voice recordings.
So sentimental.
I love it.

I have great friends.
They are seriously the bomb.
I think I should participate more in class activities.
Because I know they love me.
I will try to love them more.

I am seriously too easy.
If you love me, I will totally love you back.
Unless it's serious one,
that I have to consider. hahaha

I felt loved, when priority was given to me for a day.
I felt loved, when mom and dad took me to dinner.
I felt loved, when we took family photos.
I felt loved, when my friend made me a cake.
I felt loved, when they ushered me into the room and surprised me.
I felt loved, when my they stayed up late to wish me a happy birthday.
I felt loved, with the long messages they wrote me.
I felt loved, when they sent me voice messages.
I felt loved, when they sent me video messages.
I felt loved, when they even took it to instagram.
I felt loved, when they gave me a box full of goodies.
I felt loved, with just a "Happy Birthday" song.

Most loved?
Their sincerity.
I can just feel them pouring all over me.

They asked me what I wanted, because it would be easier for them to get me something.
I told them I wanted a new bottle, since my tupperware is getting old.
The stars was actually inside the bottle.
Loved it. 

I'd hug everyone I love, all bunched together, with my own hands if they were long enough.
It's okay.
I can always do it one by one.

I will miss everyone around.
We will part ways someday.
Who knows,
but memories do last.
I hope they last long.
They will last long.

All for one and one for all.

Love, lots and lots.


So I wrote this in April, talk about unproductive. hahaha

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