Thursday 11 June 2015

5 Things I Regret I Did Not Do In High School

High school is coming to an end. *sobs* but I'm still more on the happy side. I just really can't wait. I'm really looking forward to college and other plans after that. Since I'm going to part ways with that huge orange block of school and my colour-stained high-school life, I will look back at what I've done and maybe repent a little. Heh. ;)

So there are a few things I regret I did not do and most of you would probably agree to this:

1. Do my revisions.

I think everyone can attest to this. I am having a super hard time coping now because I played around for the first year (Form 4) and I did not learn anything. Oh wait, I did not just not do my revisions, I didn't even participate in lessons. *cries* Everyone said that Form 4 isn't a honeymoon year and to get my head right but then God gave me this great class of friends thus, goodbye academics. I remembered not studying, literally, for exams and I would just hand in an almost blank test paper (thank God everyone did the same, because my ranks was still the same). I even skipped a test because I know I would definitely fail.

2. Socializing with new people.

There are tons of people I'm still not friends with yet. I'm getting there but still a lot more on my imaginary checklist (not that I made one). One reason why I don't socialize much now is because we're gonna part ways after graduation anyway, there's really not a point in socializing. But somehow deep down I want to know these people, or maybe I want them to know me. I don't wan't to graduate being an unknown and maybe these connections can help me in the future. Who knows, maybe we might meet someday and when we do it'll be super awkward.

3. Participating in school activities.

School activities were usually held on Saturday and I'm not a weekend school person. Weekends are for lazing around or spending quality time with the family. I skipped a lot on the curricular activities and some fun events here and there. There were also telematches, hiking activities, and some fun games but I skipped them all. I regretted that because that's where all the fun begins and I'd find myself missing out on funny topics or bizarre things that happened when I was not there.

4. Establish and maintain past relationships well before meeting new people

Classes changed once I got to Form 4 and a lot of my Form 3 friends still ended in the same class. As for those who didn't, I regretted not keeping contact because I was too high in making new friends and I guess they were the same too. Plus, I regretted not nourishing our friendships well before moving on because when I really think into it I realised that I don't really know these people. Know as in background and personality wise. I know we've all moved on and that's how the world goes but another friend is better than another stranger you know? ;)

5. Trying out new things to figure out what I'm good at.

I regretted not trying out practical things and skills because now I'm having a hard time deciding what I want to do in the future. I know I am very bad at arts and you can say that I'm fairly weak at sports. I exercise lately so yeah there's an improvement. I excel at the nerdy nerdy stuffs like reading, love writing, love biology, detest chemistry and all these things I figured out myself. School never taught us how to choose a career, never taught us how to stick to our intuition and certainly never taught us how to find out what we're good at. I regret not trying out things that involve with physical skills, like dancing or playing sports. One thing I know is that I really love talking or relaying a message to an audience. I enjoyed that but I never got a chance to do so.

So that's it!
Thanks for reading.
Love, C.

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