Monday 15 June 2015

A Different Kind Of Squash: Conquer the Court 2015

I am that girl who fancied basketball, then volleyball and finally settled down on badminton because that's the one sport I can best play and trust me, I suck at sports. In spite of that, I have always taken interest in sports of any kind because sports are fun regardless whether you excel or not. That is why I grabbed an opportunity to attend a squash tournament, Conquer the Court 2015 last Saturday.

I thought I would fill you in on the intricacies of this event first. Conquer the Court 2015 is organized by SuperSquashers and Squash Association Kuching. Held in Sarawak Club, it's main purpose is to open society's eyes to this game, to attract more players and at the same time, to educate people about the game.

I was welcomed with loud music blasting from the speakers and a set filled with balloons. Quite a crowd came to watch them play too.

Popcorn and cotton candy anyone?

#thatsalotofhashtags This Instagram booth is actually a contest, do as the above say in the most creative way and you might win awesome prizes! This is also aimed to get squash into the Olympics. Talk about making an effort!

Now this event is not your usual squash tournament you see on FOX Sports. To make it fun and exciting, the organizers created a game called Musical Squash. You know musical chairs? Yep, the same thing only that you're playing squash instead of circling chairs. 

It works like this. Play some music and the game starts, thing is, you don't know when it stops. So basically the player who's leading before the music stops wins the game. But you don't just win the game, you've got to win the game. Four courts, including one king court. Players start at court 4, person who wins advances to court 3 and loser stays at court 4 or go down a court depending on which court you are on. Get to court 1 (king court) and try to stay there as long as possible.

Sounds exciting and utterly ingenious doesn't it?

It's not just fun and all, it gives players a chance to play with other players. While promoting social skills, players can also learn a thing or two from the others.

From kids to teen participants, it truly proves that squash is for all ages. Throw in some willpower and passion into the mix and you're all ready to go. 

It was already lunch break when I arrived, and lucky me the Hitz Cruisers crew also came and people were pooling into the court for some giveaway session! Picture above: Hitz Cruisers crew asking some questions to give out some drinks and tee shirts! I want them tee shirts! 

Playing legit musical chair hahaha.

Anyway, this event was definitely an eye opener. Being someone who doesn't know anything about squash, I think I learned quite a handful. Side note: The music they played was fab. Some mashups, some covers and a whole lot of EDM vibe. 

I left early but I believe there was a lucky draw session too! Heard the prizes were stunning!  

Virtual round of applause (just imagine okay) to SuperSquashers and everyone who has contributed to this event. I believe that they can take future events to the next level. Thumbs up! I had a great time!

To all of you out there who are interested in the game, I advice that you just go for it! 

ps: Heard your ad on the radio. ;) 
Love, C.

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