Sunday 7 June 2015

Tunku Putra's Inter-school Prefects' Dinner

Tunku Putra actually organized a prefects' dinner to bring all prefects from schools in Kuching together.

It was so much fun, really. We went there to find out that we were all seated at different tables. It was quite shocking at first because we were all really shy and tad bit anti-social. Once the event was started, it actually turned out pretty well. My table members were all not passive, they were quite simpatico actually.

My outfit of the night.

A shot with our head boy, William and our fellow treasurer, Yaw! I went to William's house and tumpang-ed his car because I didn't want to go alone. Hahaha.

Darn, people there look so mature, or is it the case that Arang (my school) kids look like, well, kids. They don't look my age and they certainly don't dress my age (hold it, I admit I'm the one who's not dressing my age)

There were ice breaking sessions, games and performances. Oh and even dance time which was really awkward at first, because this lass has no partner *sobs* But me and my buddies hung around and it wasn't boring at all now that I think about it.

My friends were all planning to cabut early because they weren't really interested at first, plus my classmates are having a class dinner so the ones with me wanted to go for second round. In the end they hung till the end because I guess they figured it wasn't all too bad.

I've met many people from all walks of life (not really, I just wrote it that way because it sounds mature-ish) Being a typical full blooded Malaysian, it's fascinating (people call it suaku) meeting other nationalities. I met Caucasians, Eurasians, Singaporeans, Koreans (which is a fellow Big Bang fan also whoo!) and fellow Malaysians too.

Towards the end I didn't wanna leave because the bands started performing, the vibes were great and people were loosening up to others but my Dad was waiting so I had to take my leave.

Anyway it was a great experience, this will certainly be a night to remember. Tunku Putra School, you have done a great job. ;)

Love, C.

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