Sunday 26 October 2014


There's this thing that always gets to me even though it's not an unusual problem but I personally feel that this should be talked about. I've always hated the fact that I had to respect and acknowledge people that are older than me but instead they abuse this priority. People who think that they have the power to do something and they don't respect you in return because they think that there's no need for that. 

Let's talk about superiority and seniority. Why do we have these systems? People need to start thinking about the core reason of these systems. Why do juniors or young ones have to respect the seniors? Why is there a junior-senior system? Teachers used to tell us that it's because they have more experience in life than the young do. I acknowledge this and I think it's very true but there are still people out there who abuse this system and abuse the juniors or the younger generation.

Why should I give you respect if you do not respect me in return? When you look at it this way, the moment you give respect to someone, at the same time you're also giving respect to yourself. You're respecting yourself to trust and acknowledge the person you're respecting. 

It hurts my pride to respect such person with a trashy personality. I personally think that its ridiculous to bow or even greet someone that doesn't respect you in return. 

Society should live equally of course with the foundations of these systems but not to be carried away by the priorities that blind one from the roots of these systems. 

I hope people will grow to realise these faults and improve from it.
Love, C

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