Thursday 2 October 2014

Prefects' Night 2014

I am a school prefect. #Nerd

Nah, I have a pretty special job after all. When did we ever really cared about the discipline of other students. We're all one big problem ourselves. 

I'm managing the school's Public Address System (P.A. System). The only downside is that I have to wake up pretty early on Tuesdays, other than that it's a really cool job. Win some lose some.

So on to the Prefects' Night. It's a annual tradition to celebrate or thank the retired senior prefects. To put it in a simpler way, the Night is for the seniors and we're actually there to work. *sweats*

But like I said, tradition, and I get to attend as a senior next year. Fair play.

I didn't really had fun, I guess it's a personal thing, i'm not a dinner/party/gatherings kind of person. I get really moody. dont ask. hard to explain.

Dress X Seed

Love my kicks. ;)

MCs OF THE NIGHT! #applause

Blurr photo :( P.A. Crew 2014/2015. Love them to bits!

With our seniors!

Conclusion: I am not a photogenic person.

I even got my hair done which made not much of a difference. *cries*

I guess the main reason why i'm so unhappy that day is that i'm MCing for the night and things kept changing and going wrong. I guess that stressed me out a lot. 

But overall it was quite an experience and I hope that I'll MC well next time if I get the chance

Looking forward to next year's Prefects' Camp! 

Love, C.

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