Sunday 5 October 2014

Monster Dash 2014

Monster Dash is back as scary as ever! Well not that scary actually. 

Anabelle is scarier, but we'll get to that some other time.

Monster Dash is a 5km halloween-themed charity run with the aim of raising funds for critically sick children such as cancer and cerebral palsy. It's a fun run for the youth and at the same time encouraging them to opt for a healthy lifestyle.

I couldn't register because I was too late to register but a friend of mine told me that you could register on the spot. So on I went and then they told me I couldn't because registrations are closed and there's no on-the-spot registration. I was on the verge of a mental-breakdown because I was already there at the event location and I didn't know whether to call my parents to bring me back or continue to run but a lot of my friends told me to just go and run so I did. 

I know this is for charity and I promise i'll register next time. It's not like I don't want to donate or anything, I do feel guilty.

They have neon paint stations where you get to soak yourself in neon paint! Neon, my favourite. ;)

Had ZenQ before the run. Photo credits to Elviana!

Hair soaked in neon paint!

There's something else I felt inspired with: the emcees and hosts of the event. It's what I want to do in the future, to host a event, to make crowds go crazy. It's fun. :)

The run ended at 10 p.m. or so and we hanged around for a bit. Then I went for supper with Mel, Jace and Mel's bf so I ended up going home at about 12 am. i'd like that to happen often *smirks*

Would like to be a monster next year! I had so much fun despite the fact that my legs hurt like hell. It's all worth it in the end. ;)

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