Thursday 23 October 2014

5 Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy

People with dry and frizzy hair hands up! Some people just completely neglect the importance of the hair but for us girls, it contribute a lot to our looks. It might seem hard at times to keep your hair healthy but it's essential as healthy hair can contribute to a lot of things. Healthy hair can keep you comfortable all day, like feeling flawless wherever you go and looking good with whatever you wear.

I am not going to tell you to keep away from heat or go to the salon for treatment because it's something we are not always capable of.

Note to girls with short hair: Remember when our parents used to tell us that short hair is better off than long hair because it's easier to maintain? That was a big fat lie. I've said it a million times that short hair is not low maintenance. Short hair in fact needs really high maintenance especially with a bobbed haircut. I think pixie haircut is really easy to maintain though because it's really short but I've never had a pixie haircut so I don't know.

We (short-haired girls) have to blowdry our hair everyday when we're heading out. That is really a nuisance and very harmful to our hair. Even so, I still have my ways to keep mine silky and smooth without going for treatment.

Clean your hair frequently...with the right product

This is a very crucial point if you want to have healthy hair. You have to clean your hair at least thrice a week to get rid of the oils and dirt that's clogged up in your hair. You have to also use the right hair product that's suitable for your hair. Clean hair is like a clean face. If your face is oily you use oil-free cleansers, if your hair is dry you use moisturising shampoos. Same thing. You can consult a professional about your hair texture or what products you should use.

Condition and give it treats

After washing your hair, condition it. There's a trend called "reverse hair washing" where you condition your hair before you wash. Sounds...greasy? I've ought to try it out but they say it works. Whatever you do, be it before or after washing, you have to condition. Conditioner balances the pH level of your hair and restores the nutrients that shampoo takes away. Think of shampoo as chemotherapy, it kills everything. Everything. And then conditioner replenish the nutrients that is needed for your hair. 

You can also feed your hair some products like hair masks or hair jelly and so on.

Lucido-L Essence Water #Silky Moist

I'm using this magic potion that works miracles for my hair. Just a few spurts and my hair is moisturised for the whole day. It protects hair from heat too so when I go out, my hair isn't dry and rough. With conditioner + this baby, my hair feels softer and moisturised. 

TIP: Don't throw too many products at your hair. It'll worsen the condition of your hair.

Say no to towel turbans

Most people turban up their hair after they shower cause' it doesn't get in the way. But don't you know that throwing your hair up in a turban can actually damage your hair? When you turban your hair, it actually stresses the roots causing it to break especially when your hair is wet thus at it's most vulnerable. It stimulates growth of baby-hairs which makes you look like you're in a mess. Just gently squeeze the excess water or dab it with your towel and let it air dry.

Give it a break

Whenever you're not going out or don't have to look really good, stop the blowdrying process and just let it dry naturally. I don't blowdry my hair when I go to school these days. Although I look like a mess but nobody really cares at school so I just let my hair rest for a few days. I blowdry my hair twice-thrice a week too. I used to do it everyday but my hair seems like it's gonna drop off so I cut off the heat. Your hair needs to take a break from all the heat you're feeding it because it needs to lock in the moisture that's left to "survive".

Do not air-dry when it's dripping wet

Air-dry is good for your hair but not always good. You can never air-dry your hair when it's still soaking wet. It has to be at least on the moist side to be left to air-dry. It's also not good for your general health to leave your hair just like that when it's still drenched. You'll get headaches after that, trust me. Plus, it'll leave you in a bundle of locks and tangles and you're going to have a hard time brushing it out. When it's still really wet, towel-dry your hair or sit near a fan and towel-dry until it's just moist. Leave it so that your hair can suck up the moisture they lost due to exposure to heat. 

That sums it all up! 
Stay healthy, love C.

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