Tuesday 21 October 2014

To drop or not to drop. That is the question.

I am feeling really stressed out recently. I'm in a dilemma whether to drop Chemistry or Biology.

Let's tell the truth, I understand Biology more than Chemistry. Chemistry is really hard to cope with and Biology is easier to understand even though it's hard to memorize everything.

I'm wondering which is easier to score. I can't do Chemistry really, i'm so stressed. But then if Chemistry is easier to score then I would take Chemistry.

To be honest, i'm not planning to study science in the future. It's too stressful, it's not what I want anyway, to do science. No thank you. But I really need my results looking good, be it science or not. 

A lot of people are dropping Biology. I don't understand why. I like biology because it's a theory subject. Just like law. The only problem is your brain capacity. Plus it's super understandable and logical. Whereas Chemistry seems alien to me. 

And I'm thinking of taking EST. Because it seems damn easy. But my school doesn't offer EST classes so I have to study on my own.

All the best to me. Sigh. 

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