Tuesday 30 September 2014

Taiwan Bucketlist

I love travelling. Though I don't travel often but I love travelling. You can say that i'm a wanderlust kind of person. I've always dreamt of places like Maldives, Korea, Edinburgh, Isles of Scilly, Belgium and the list goes on. I'm especially a huge fan of medieval cities or towns though i'm not really a fan of Harry Potter but I still love the settings. It's just so cool!

Well of course it has nothing to do with Taiwan but me and Mel plan to go to Taiwan with a bunch of some other friends after the SPM exams. I really hope it works out and I think it will because of my strong will and Mel's perseverance and mind-set that anything's possible. *cough* *cough*

I've never travelled with friends and I think it will be a lot of fun!

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Taiwan is street snacks! I wanna eat like there's no tomorrow lol!

So here's my bucketlist!

- Go to night markets for the FOOD!
Taiwan is all about their street snacks. It's like a ritual to eat street snacks in Taiwan.

- Accommodate at a homestay!
A lot of people stay at homestays in Taiwan and their feedbacks are mostly positive. It's a must try I guess!

- Cycle by bike around (island/town, preferably an island)
Picture scene from To The Beautiful You. This is probably the idea that I love the most.

- Try out their theme parks
I wanna try out all the rides! I love rides! The more extreme the better! I'm a "live wild play hard" kind of person.

- Visit celebs' cafes 
Mel's idea. Well most of this list is Mel's idea but I love all of them!

- Shop at Xi Men Ding!
Xi Men Ding! Always hear about Xi Men Ding in Taiwan Dramas. Gotta go check it out!

- If possible, experience their 跨年 (new year's eve)
跨年 is an event when people stay up and countdown to the new year on new year's eve. I've joined Singapore's 跨年 and I think it was meh cuz people had to gather at one place to see "legal" fireworks show and it's just so packed. I remembered the ang moh behind me kept pushing me. can you give me some space?! oh wait, you can't. 

-Take pictures of the city lights
It's a habit for me to take pictures of city lights wherever I go. Gawd you don't know how much I love city lights. It just defines the life of the city,

 I can't think of anything else besides FOOD lol. So I guess that's about it!

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