Thursday 7 May 2015

May 06

Went to a friend's place to complete some assignments. We hung by the poolside since he lives in a condo and it was the best. The only thing missing was some lemonade and a pair of swimwear.


Funny conversation.

Me (to friend X): You are a serial rapist.

Friend A (to friend X): I dub you Koko Krunch rapist.

Me: Why Koko Krunch?

Friend A: Because he's a serial (cereal) rapist.

Me: what? Oh wait I get it. Cereal. HAHAHAHAHA

For a second there I didn't get it but then it kicked in and I was laughing like crazy for a good 5 minutes and I was on the verge of passing out.

I don't know, the joke itself is not that funny, it's the way he said it and how I didn't connected at first and overall the situation made it really really funny.

I love moments like these. I can just laugh like nobody's business. Uncontrollable laughter is amazing.


Funny how things doesn't work out the way you want them to. And sometimes it's really annoying.

I actually finished a quarter of the assignment but my document file got lost. Then I had to redo on another laptop but surprisingly the charger failed to work. Okay fine, I can use my old laptop. Okay I then finished my work and saved and then bam, my pendrive stopped working. Okay okay chill, there's Dropbox. Dropbox will save the day. Then we finished the whole thing at my friends place and then I got to use my friend's pendrive. So after tuition which was about 9:15 I went to dad's office to print the thing and guess what? FILE FREAKING ERROR. Fire is boiling but okay, Dropbox I trust you. I attempted to print from the preview but the alignments are all messed up. WHATTTTTT.


I was all desperate and stressed out because it is frigging 10 pm and deadline is practically tomorrow.

So thank Lord for having great great friends because Sam was too kind to lend me his printer and ink and paper and the energy of printing 25 pages of work. Thank you! XOXO

Now I can sleep in peace.

#unglam This is actually how people look like when they take lying down shots or is it just me?

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