Friday 8 May 2015

May 08

Usual day. Tuition and stuff.


I don't know why people try so hard. If it's meant to be, it will be. (unless it's something you literally have to work hard for)

You can't force happiness ;)

Accepting what happened, is happening and will happen will ultimately make you happier.

Happiness is the best thing you can ever have. It's awe-inspiringly beautiful.

I think I've reached that consciousness where I feel and appreciate everything that surrounds me.

My biggest motto: Live for yourself.


For a brief moment, you reminded me of what butterflies feel like.

I should say "Welcome back. It's been long."

To the old you, the old me. Us. The us.

I was reminded of what we used to be. How we used to spend our time ranting about every other thing that doesn't matter because serious matters were a bore.

Hey, I missed you. I missed you badly.

I don't know when you're coming back.

Be back soon, I'll be here.

Don't let your flames burn you inside out.

Stay true, stay you.

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