Tuesday 26 May 2015

Life Is Beautiful With The Quiet Place

I've spent countless nights in bed thinking about the lemons life threw at me. I've always worried about tomorrow, about what's going to happen next. I'd cringe at every regrettable behaviour I showed during the day. It's always a mess in my head and you can say that's life and everyone does that. Yes everyone does that. Everyone is trying to be strong because stress is inevitable and some people find ways to let go but some don't.

This was such a fortunate event for me. I was flipping through a magazine and I found this web project, trust me I've never felt this good in such a long time.

The Quiet Place Project is founded by Amitay Tweeto in 2011. It's sort of a Internet getaway for people who are feeling the blues. This project has four features: the quiet place, 90 seconds relaxation exercise, the thoughts room and the dawn room. 

So how does it work? It's basically video-like interface where you would hit the spacebar to go on to the next line. Lines of motivating sentences will come out and it tries to speak your mind while adding some tinge of humour to the serious chain of messages. It has also background music to calm your nerves and set the mood. Some of the background music are creepy though hahaha I turned off my speakers for some of it but overall it's great.

I wouldn't want to spoil anything so try out the quiet place and 90 seconds of relaxation exercise yourself. ;)

The thoughts room allows you to write your thoughts and vent your frustrations and every word you typed in will burst into stars. It's beautiful and to be honest it feels great to pour it all out and believe that the worries are all gone. 

The dawn room will allow you to write a motivating message to someone you love and that message will be sent to the users of the project. By sending doesn't mean it actually mails you and stuff, no, it actually features other messages people wrote and yours will be up there on others' page. It's really motivating but the BGM here is quite creepy. 

Now, apart from the creepy BGMs it was amazing. It was invigorating, energizing and you would definitely close a tab with a smile on your face. There's also something for people who wants to attempt suicide. There's always something for everyone. If not, look at the big picture. The scenarios don't matter, it's the message that's going to make you feel better. 

I think that this project is incredible. It's ingenious and who knows how many people this project has helped. I find that I don't have to worry so much now. There's nothing that cannot wait. Well, maybe exams hahahahaha because I don't want to go back to TQP after failing my exams. 

I'd like to share this to everyone out there, even the happiest man on earth. 
Cheers! XO, C.

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