Saturday 9 May 2015

May 09

I am slowly getting addicted to yoga. I've been trying out yoga for a few days now and I am in love.

To come clean, I do it for the poses, because it is just darn amazing.


I need to shape up abit because I have a major dinner coming up in three weeks and it involves socializing with new people. (secretly hoping that I can meet some hot guy shhhh don't tell ;) )


So excited for graduation. Hahahaha. I am free from the usual boring routine of school and tuition and planning schedules on what to study for the next few weeks and the list goes on. At least until college life starts.

Planning to join fitness class, find a part time job, figure out what I want to do in the future, figure out if I can enter uni before results are out and basically just partyy. Oh and, driving license. That is a must hehehehehe ;)


Time flies. I'll get there fast. ;)

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