Monday 22 December 2014


"So this is what the city looks like.",

Skyscrapers, paths pebbled,

Growing in her heart, a sense of pride,

Still what seems so close is always far away,

White walls, seven rows, "Ah," she thought, "we're all left astray."

Sometimes she sees, in her world of her own,

Lush green trees, sky high, rainbow sewn,

Beep beep "Oh, something's crying."

To the left, crying, it was not,

Instead a machine, stacks of papers piling,

"Was a mere dream again." she thought,

The city lights, still shining,

As if to heaven, they're calling,

Skyline, so tempting,

But look, the clock, is still ticking,

What a sight, the sun rising soon,

What a sight, outside the hospital room.

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