Saturday 20 December 2014

Sometimes It Happens - Lauren Barnholdt (Book Review)

Meet my new shelf member, Sometimes It Happens by Lauren Barnholdt. I can't believe I still can't find Eleanor and Park. I demand a restock immediately (inside bitchy voice)

So anyway side note: This is your typical love-it-or-hate-it teen romance novel which pretty much is like 90210 minus half the cast. No pretty quotes, no beautiful metaphors just straight from page 1 to 312 drama. 

Now let me break it down to you because there is no easier way to do this, what can I do, there's a lot going on in there. There is Hannah, lead character; Ava, Hannah's best friend; Noah, Ava's boyfriend and Hannah's crush; Sebastian, Hannah's ex-boyfriend whom she had a hard time getting over and Lacey, Hannah and Noah's mutual friend whom they worked with during summer break.

Swallow it all up and we'll get into the story, overall story. On the last day of junior year, Sebastian cheats on Hannah with another girl and broke Hannah's heart. She then becomes fragile and vulnerable until Ava, her best friend, takes up a part-time summer break job in Maine and tells her boyfriend, Noah, to keep check of Hannah. Noah does what he's told and somehow gets her a job at a diner and together with Lacey, who is already working there with Noah, they spend their summer break part-timing there. 

Since Hannah and Noah spends a lot of time together, they fall for each other without each other knowing anything and of course Ava is still in Maine. Plus, in between that, Sebastian keeps trying to get back with Hannah and she's just confused and everything. 

But on the day before senior year, something happens between Noah and Hannah, not gonna spoil it to you but I think you get the idea. Hannah is then terrified to go to school because she's afraid how the first day of senior year is going to go down. In the end, everything unfolds, friendships are broken but well, you never know. *winks*

Oh oh oh! I forgot to mention that the book is written one chapter in the past and one chapter in the present. So it goes like one chapter "First day of senior year." then one chapter "Summer break" and it goes on like this so everything unfolds bit by bit about what happened during summer and what will happen on the first day of senior year. 

I think it's quite clever to write this way because it keeps me glued to the book, it's never boring because there's always something that is going to unfold and you just have to read until the end to know all of it. 

That was the pros and now the cons. The ending was quite lacking that bit of quality. The puzzle pieces are just simply thrown together without much detail even though we already know what is and will happen. I personally think that the ending was not thorough enough, there are still holes here and there. 

In spite of that, the book overall was good, we all need some good old fashioned drama once in a while. I mean not to be in one but to read one is still as entertaining. 

Love, C.

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