Sunday 28 December 2014

Dec 28

"The world breaks everyone, and afterwards, some are strong at the broken places."

I just love this quote.

So apparently my phone crashed, which is oddly bittersweet because it's my first time using a phone till it's unusable however I didn't backup anything so hopefully *fingers crossed* all my media files are still retrievable. 

One week left till school starts. You know what's frustrating on the first day? Seatings. Nice seat, wrong partner: great, you're done for the year. Bad seat, nice partner: great, you're still done for the year.

This thought suddenly came to me, have you ever counted the empty promises you made? I used to make a lot during my previous relationship because we were fighting a lot so at that time, promises were made just to calm each other and because they were all empty promises, we fought a lot about them too. It wasn't a healthy relationship really, to be honest, there wasn't even any conversation going on. 

...Crazy immature kids.

"We were too young to notice and too dumb to care, love was a story that couldn't compare."

Anyway, every experience is a lesson learnt. I believe I can do better than this. 

Now back to racking my mind trying to remember the songs on my playlist so that I can re-download if my internal memory is unreachable. Can't believe these things happen.


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