Sunday 7 December 2014

The Beginning of Everything - Robyn Schneider (Book Review)

I totally forgot about this book, I actually read it quite awhile back and now I'm writing a review about this.

So anyway, I was at the bookshop looking for Eleanor and Park again and I still couldn't find any then I came across this. I actually saw this book in some of the lists on the net so I bought it. 

It's about a boy, Ezra Faulkner, top athlete, homecoming king, the it guy, you get the idea. All before he got involved in a car accident that shattered his knee, ruined is athlete career and took away his fame. Then he meets new girl Cassidy Thorpe and duh of course they fell in love, not at first sight but eventually. Cassidy is a mysterious girl, she was always a winner in debate competitions but she stopped debating after her brother passed away.

So apart from that, Ezra gets involve in a roller-coaster ride of the school's debate team, new friends and basically a whole new unexpected life.

But of course every book has a twist. Cassidy bailed out of him on the night before (or day before, I forgot, sorry) prom and then later dumped him for some stupid reasons. no spoiler *winks* 

So what happened? Spoiler alert. Cassidy's brother was actually the one who ramped into Ezra's car on the night of the accident and Cassidy didn't want to date Ezra because she thinks she would be sorry and hurt every time she sees Ezra. 

So eventually Ezra moves on, without much regret, accepting everything as it is and the end.

Moving on, I don't particularly love this book. It's all too typical except the ending there was tit bit of a twist. The set of characters have no life in it, they're all too plain. I would like if they have a little more personality, with each greatly different from another, be it supporting characters or lead. 

Cassidy particularly was too fast-paced. Her background and charms wasn't shown in detail, not enough juice to suck me in. 


"There's a big difference between deciding to leave and knowing where to go."

"She tasted like buried treasure and swing sets and coffee. She tasted the way fireworks felt, like something you could get close to but never really have just for yourself."

"You see? You're just figuring it out now, but I discovered a long time ago that the smarter you are, the more tempting it is to just let people imagine you. We move through each other's lives like ghosts, leaving behind haunting memories of people who never existed."

"History is filled with fictional people."

"I do know that I spent a long time existing, and now, I intend to live."

"She didn't add the elements that allowed me to proceed down a different path. She lent a spark, perhaps, or tendered the flame, but the arson was mine."

"Words could betray you if you chose the wrong ones, or mean less if you used too many."

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