Friday 29 May 2015

The Moment I Felt Most Loved

Birthdays are great.

Someone made me a cake.
A non-bake chocolate cream cheese.
With Oreos and Cadbury base.
Topped with Kit Kat.

That was(is) so so sweet, literally and otherwise.


That someone was a person I often had arguments with.
I was the one who constantly attack him.
He's a great guy.
He doesn't hold grudges.
He's funny and all.
We had our conflicts, I was wrong.
Let's put it behind us.
Thanks for the cake.
The sweetest thing you can ever receive is a handmade cake.

I'm so easy sometimes.
My heart wavers too easily.

My friends took effort to stay till midnight to send me wishes.
While I was dozing off.
Taking a quick nap.
Setting my alarm to 11:50 pm.
I'm not a night person.
Unless there are great movies to watch.
I wanted to wait till midnight too.
To wait for wishes. 
hahaha just let me be a narcissist for a day.

I love long messages.
I love how people actually take their time to write them.
I love voice recordings.
So sentimental.
I love it.

I have great friends.
They are seriously the bomb.
I think I should participate more in class activities.
Because I know they love me.
I will try to love them more.

I am seriously too easy.
If you love me, I will totally love you back.
Unless it's serious one,
that I have to consider. hahaha

I felt loved, when priority was given to me for a day.
I felt loved, when mom and dad took me to dinner.
I felt loved, when we took family photos.
I felt loved, when my friend made me a cake.
I felt loved, when they ushered me into the room and surprised me.
I felt loved, when my they stayed up late to wish me a happy birthday.
I felt loved, with the long messages they wrote me.
I felt loved, when they sent me voice messages.
I felt loved, when they sent me video messages.
I felt loved, when they even took it to instagram.
I felt loved, when they gave me a box full of goodies.
I felt loved, with just a "Happy Birthday" song.

Most loved?
Their sincerity.
I can just feel them pouring all over me.

They asked me what I wanted, because it would be easier for them to get me something.
I told them I wanted a new bottle, since my tupperware is getting old.
The stars was actually inside the bottle.
Loved it. 

I'd hug everyone I love, all bunched together, with my own hands if they were long enough.
It's okay.
I can always do it one by one.

I will miss everyone around.
We will part ways someday.
Who knows,
but memories do last.
I hope they last long.
They will last long.

All for one and one for all.

Love, lots and lots.


So I wrote this in April, talk about unproductive. hahaha

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Life Is Beautiful With The Quiet Place

I've spent countless nights in bed thinking about the lemons life threw at me. I've always worried about tomorrow, about what's going to happen next. I'd cringe at every regrettable behaviour I showed during the day. It's always a mess in my head and you can say that's life and everyone does that. Yes everyone does that. Everyone is trying to be strong because stress is inevitable and some people find ways to let go but some don't.

This was such a fortunate event for me. I was flipping through a magazine and I found this web project, trust me I've never felt this good in such a long time.

The Quiet Place Project is founded by Amitay Tweeto in 2011. It's sort of a Internet getaway for people who are feeling the blues. This project has four features: the quiet place, 90 seconds relaxation exercise, the thoughts room and the dawn room. 

So how does it work? It's basically video-like interface where you would hit the spacebar to go on to the next line. Lines of motivating sentences will come out and it tries to speak your mind while adding some tinge of humour to the serious chain of messages. It has also background music to calm your nerves and set the mood. Some of the background music are creepy though hahaha I turned off my speakers for some of it but overall it's great.

I wouldn't want to spoil anything so try out the quiet place and 90 seconds of relaxation exercise yourself. ;)

The thoughts room allows you to write your thoughts and vent your frustrations and every word you typed in will burst into stars. It's beautiful and to be honest it feels great to pour it all out and believe that the worries are all gone. 

The dawn room will allow you to write a motivating message to someone you love and that message will be sent to the users of the project. By sending doesn't mean it actually mails you and stuff, no, it actually features other messages people wrote and yours will be up there on others' page. It's really motivating but the BGM here is quite creepy. 

Now, apart from the creepy BGMs it was amazing. It was invigorating, energizing and you would definitely close a tab with a smile on your face. There's also something for people who wants to attempt suicide. There's always something for everyone. If not, look at the big picture. The scenarios don't matter, it's the message that's going to make you feel better. 

I think that this project is incredible. It's ingenious and who knows how many people this project has helped. I find that I don't have to worry so much now. There's nothing that cannot wait. Well, maybe exams hahahahaha because I don't want to go back to TQP after failing my exams. 

I'd like to share this to everyone out there, even the happiest man on earth. 
Cheers! XO, C.

Saturday 16 May 2015

#np: May's Playlist

Wow this took too long! It's exam month again and I have loads of books to go through. Gladly took some time off to cover this post, also thanks to some friends who recommended me new tunes because my playlist was growing old.

How You Love Me - 3LAU

听格 - 蔡健雅

We'll Be The Stars - Sabrina Carpenter

Prayer In C - Lilly Wood and the Prick ft. Robin Schulz

I'm Good - Elsie ft. K.Will

彩虹黑洞 - MP 魔幻力量 

Hooligans (Reimagined - Diamond Dreams) - Issues

Saturday 9 May 2015

May 09

I am slowly getting addicted to yoga. I've been trying out yoga for a few days now and I am in love.

To come clean, I do it for the poses, because it is just darn amazing.


I need to shape up abit because I have a major dinner coming up in three weeks and it involves socializing with new people. (secretly hoping that I can meet some hot guy shhhh don't tell ;) )


So excited for graduation. Hahahaha. I am free from the usual boring routine of school and tuition and planning schedules on what to study for the next few weeks and the list goes on. At least until college life starts.

Planning to join fitness class, find a part time job, figure out what I want to do in the future, figure out if I can enter uni before results are out and basically just partyy. Oh and, driving license. That is a must hehehehehe ;)


Time flies. I'll get there fast. ;)

Friday 8 May 2015

May 08

Usual day. Tuition and stuff.


I don't know why people try so hard. If it's meant to be, it will be. (unless it's something you literally have to work hard for)

You can't force happiness ;)

Accepting what happened, is happening and will happen will ultimately make you happier.

Happiness is the best thing you can ever have. It's awe-inspiringly beautiful.

I think I've reached that consciousness where I feel and appreciate everything that surrounds me.

My biggest motto: Live for yourself.


For a brief moment, you reminded me of what butterflies feel like.

I should say "Welcome back. It's been long."

To the old you, the old me. Us. The us.

I was reminded of what we used to be. How we used to spend our time ranting about every other thing that doesn't matter because serious matters were a bore.

Hey, I missed you. I missed you badly.

I don't know when you're coming back.

Be back soon, I'll be here.

Don't let your flames burn you inside out.

Stay true, stay you.

Thursday 7 May 2015

May 06

Went to a friend's place to complete some assignments. We hung by the poolside since he lives in a condo and it was the best. The only thing missing was some lemonade and a pair of swimwear.


Funny conversation.

Me (to friend X): You are a serial rapist.

Friend A (to friend X): I dub you Koko Krunch rapist.

Me: Why Koko Krunch?

Friend A: Because he's a serial (cereal) rapist.

Me: what? Oh wait I get it. Cereal. HAHAHAHAHA

For a second there I didn't get it but then it kicked in and I was laughing like crazy for a good 5 minutes and I was on the verge of passing out.

I don't know, the joke itself is not that funny, it's the way he said it and how I didn't connected at first and overall the situation made it really really funny.

I love moments like these. I can just laugh like nobody's business. Uncontrollable laughter is amazing.


Funny how things doesn't work out the way you want them to. And sometimes it's really annoying.

I actually finished a quarter of the assignment but my document file got lost. Then I had to redo on another laptop but surprisingly the charger failed to work. Okay fine, I can use my old laptop. Okay I then finished my work and saved and then bam, my pendrive stopped working. Okay okay chill, there's Dropbox. Dropbox will save the day. Then we finished the whole thing at my friends place and then I got to use my friend's pendrive. So after tuition which was about 9:15 I went to dad's office to print the thing and guess what? FILE FREAKING ERROR. Fire is boiling but okay, Dropbox I trust you. I attempted to print from the preview but the alignments are all messed up. WHATTTTTT.


I was all desperate and stressed out because it is frigging 10 pm and deadline is practically tomorrow.

So thank Lord for having great great friends because Sam was too kind to lend me his printer and ink and paper and the energy of printing 25 pages of work. Thank you! XOXO

Now I can sleep in peace.

#unglam This is actually how people look like when they take lying down shots or is it just me?

Saturday 2 May 2015

May 02

It's Saturday and Saturday's are meant for doing things that bring the best out of life.
Went for a morning jog at the park. Weather was great until someone started open burning. In five minutes I'm all shrouded in smoke. It was just terrible.

I cannot understand people who are inconsiderate about the environment. Others out here are doing our part and we are so not doing it just to watch you burn away all our efforts.


Brought in new babies to my collection.


Settled for high tea buffet for brunch a.k.a the-only-meal-of-the-day because it was excessively filling. Yum.


There is so much negativity around me now. I feel like a tree in the middle of a barren scorched land. It's just that time when the puzzle pieces don't meet.


I hope it will be a lovely day tomorrow. Till then. ;)

Friday 1 May 2015

May 01

It's May! May is absolutely not my month. Just a big no-no. I love December, and I will love this December even more! ;)

Oh May first, right, it's labour day and labour day means holiday! It's such a relaxed week cuz we had sports day then labour day and weekends then another public holiday on Monday which is great!


I am always stressed about my studies. They haunt me every other second it is so hard to deal with. With assignments and the dates drawing closer, it is scary to be honest. I don't know what will happen, whether I can ace the big one or I might just turn out to be "neither here nor there". It is a void vision. Though I'm sure it will pass quickly since time flies.


I am just generally very very stressed out, at everything. 2015 is so not my yearrrrr.


Good stuffs? Not much, literally.

I am getting them feels lately hahahaha. I want to date someone, but not just anyone. Someone who meets standards and is sincere. I just have to wait, til the day we meet! Am I delusional?


Other than that, guess what's on my reading list? Three Kingdoms. Yup, the Three Kingdoms you're thinking about.

I don't know. I change really often but right now I am into classics or history-like fiction. They are quite interesting to be honest.

I was into teen romance fiction before this. Such a typical teenage lass.

Music wise, I am totally into those you can make a contemporary / hip hop dance out of. It's a little sexy-jazz-hip-hop-pop with great beats. Like Usher, Ne-Yo, John Legend.


My day?

Window-shopped around. Bought some mask packs for a quick fix because sports day was kind enough to give me tanned and dull skin after jumping and cheering all day under the scorching heat.  

That is all. Spend the rest with the fam.