Thursday 1 January 2015


I wrote a post at the beginning of 2014 and I wrote "I'm just glad I have to go through crap again. I'm so so glad. ;)"

Well, I have a question for myself.

"Had enough crap for one year?"

I don't mean that 2014 was really crappy, it was quite an eventful year, met a lot of new people, had new experiences too but I had my fair share of crappy days. Especially conflicts with friends and myself. 

To summarize what I did in 2014,

I met a lot of new faces; had a lot to laugh about; ran a marathon; became a prefect; celebrated birthday in camp; a lot of last minute studying for exams; got a role in school; started to pick up reading; grew addicted to kvariety shows; conflicts between old friends arose; started to drift apart from them; fell in love; fell out of love; ran another marathon; started to lose weight; joined a youth camp; got offered a gig but I got the dates wrong so I missed out; went through a rough patch for family members; things are getting better; phone crashed; this post and end.

I matured a lot, I learned a lot, gained a lot and let go of a lot too.

I've decided on my goals for 2015. It might seem very cheesy but realistically it's not something everyone can achieve.

I've decided to try to do things that makes myself happy; drop some weight; make better choices; learn to choose between what I want now and what I want in the future; read more; study harder; play harder; try to put myself in one's shoes; just throwback and not stress over the little things; smile more; laugh more; blog more and just go with the flow. ;)

I really hope that 2015 goes well. Let's open our eyes and follow our hearts. Set sail and go wherever the wind may take us. Youth may be sipping through our knuckles but it's never too late to start again.

Happy New Year.

Love, C

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