Saturday 10 January 2015

Jan 10

Hearing strange noises coming from below and I'm thinking "That's nothing." but then I realised I'm home alone. *facepalm*

Nope. No thanks to a horror-scene-come-to-live.

Thanks to Urban Dictionary, made my day. I won't mind if it's mars away from reality. A little self-comfort never killed no one, last time I checked.

And no again, I'm not a narcissist. Well maybe just tad bit of a vain personality. ;)

Hour glass frame you say? *checks mirror* Oh how I rued almost instantaneously.

Blue eyes, I would kill to have it. Then again it probably wouldn't suit me. It's okay for a little split-second fantasy.

So anyway, last year of high school seems vague? I have this indefinite notion and half of me seems thrilled but the other has a heavy heart.

On the contrary, last year of high school = senior year. All there's left to deal with now are the classes on the same floor. Juniors ain't got nothing on me.

Still I wonder how will I do once I get out. We all have dreams to chase, but some run faster than others.

Well I was told to go with the flow, cuz the flow keeps flowing. *lame pun*

Let's just say that I'll make the best out of the year. Wishing for the goody goody days to come.

Fingers crossed, C.


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