Saturday 30 August 2014

Weekend throwbacks.

It's exam week! Lets count how many fishes do I give.

So not in exam mood now. I really wanna just flunk all but my conscience won't let me so imma do what i'm good at: last minute study.

Thank Lord for good memory.

So Friday night I went to Cafe Cafe @ The Original Carwash and ohmyneon it's so so so pretty and posh. Bye Sharing, hello Cafe Cafe.
Really crappy photo of the cafe cos there's alot of people and they keep photobombing. You should make a reservation first before you go. 
My Orea Cookies Shake. Damn nice. RM 13

My lamp chop. Big potion, there's 3 pieces there. RM 25

Then I had to wake up and go to school at friggin 4am in the morning because there's a big event at school and there's alot to do so I was superrr tired but then mom brought us to Spring.

Me and le Bro went to watch Lucy at MBO. Superrr nice.

And we headed to Sushi King for lunch! What a day!

Bought Lotte's 칸쵸 choco.

너무 귀엽다!

 Too bad it's not so nice. :(

I really needa sleep now. Tata

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