Sunday 31 August 2014

5 things you should not do for the sake of being cool.

Being cool is being sophisticated, smart, funny, knowing when to be serious and when to tear down the house. That's being cool. But people keep doing the wrong things and they end up making a fool out of themselves. Lemme be your wing-man, uh, wing-woman on this althoughidontknowifimgoingtodothisright.

Cuss words ain't cool.

The occasional F word is just fine but I've seen people spitting out cuss words every 5 seconds just because they think it's cool. Like what is wrong with you? I might tolerate with you if your vocab is only limited to those 5 words but dude, that ain't cool. Grow up. 

Don't flirt or flaunt excessively. It's disgusting. 

If you're expecting my first impression of you is that your cool then, you dream big, brother, or sister. No one wants to see you stick your butt up someone's face every second of the day because it's annoying. Be a gentleman or a lady, that's cool. 

Don't ever ever sacrifice your friendship.

It's stupid. Just downright stupid. Friends are people who make you real, they're the ones who make you you, and being you is being cool. Being yourself is being cool. Not faking cool with "cool" friends that probably smoke weed and do everything of the above.

and this leads us to

Don't do drugs, excessive "night life kinda thing" is a big NO. Simple as that.

Do I even have to explain this? What you wanna be is someone who holds their head up high, who is confident, who cares about dignity and pride, not someone who'll regret their life in 20 years time.

Misunderstanding attractive appearance with being cool.

Most of us think that being admired, being idolized is being cool. Well that, as a matter of fact, is cool. But if you're starving yourself, putting a whole load of makeup on, just to be admired and just to be cool then that is not cool. I don't mean that we can't get that perfect "everyone's dream" appearance, we can, but it's superficial. Being cool is all about personality, remember that.

And that wraps it all up! Hope it helps! 

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