Sunday 17 August 2014

Kuching Festival 2014

Kuching Fest' is back!

This year's fest was abit boring :(

Same ol' stalls and some that shouldn't be there. Nevertheless, it's always fun to go with friends!!

Went with Brandon, Mel and Nallie!

45 度? Selfie with bro's North Face beanie.

Pirate ship selfie! 

We video-ed our ride on the pirate ship. So damn high. Ju-on much?

Kinda makes me doubt my dreams of bungee jumping hahahaha. Well life is all about taking risks, bungee jumping still in my bucket list! 

Bought a Vogue snapback from Mix and Match. Gawd them discounts LOL. My new collection: Headwear. Since i'm keeping my hair short, snapbacks can really complement my style and it's fashionable.

Peacyyy :)

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