Sunday 28 February 2016

28 Feb.

Being mentally exhausted is more tiring than being physically exhausted. Damn.

When someone bullies you and you need to suck it up because the only person they bully is you. Ugh. My official mood spoiler.

I try not to take heart, and feign ignorance. Careful, I might bite back.


Thankfully there's a whole lot of people who treats me well enough to outweigh the hate that person is feeding me. Not that I accept it.

Making me a negative person. Ugh. Stop. Happy thoughts.

Also, thankfully friends have my back, at least. I need my dose of late night beer talk so so badly. I call it beer talk. It's drinking beer with good friends, integrated with the liberation of talking about anything I want. Which also equals to liberation in it's pure form, at least that's what I think.

I'm not an alcoholic. I'm a beer-talkaholic.
Not funny. I know I know.

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