Friday 26 February 2016

Will you?

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Will you survive today? And if you will, will you survive tomorrow? What about the day after that? Will you be able to wake up and see your child's face, or tucking them into bed and end the night with a kiss on the forehead?

Will you survive, till your dad says goodbye, and all your hopes crashing into you, and down on your knees you realize how much those three words mean?

And after that will you still survive, till your dearest holds your hand, says he has no regrets, that you are a choice worth giving up everything for, like the day on the altar, saying the same thing decades later?

Will you survive, to walk through all the gates of the world, to jump without fear of falling, to embrace the cold winds and to say "I lived"?

And when your life flashes before you, are you brave enough to tell Death your time is not up yet, that the world has so much more to offer, that your life is only beginning and the soul isn't leaving before bathing in fountains from lands God has created? 

For a heart and mind, though small, can do extraordinary things. Should you truly possess the will to live, you will live. 

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