Tuesday 23 February 2016

Writing with an ounce of humor and laziness.

Sometimes you gotta throw cautious to the wind, sometimes you gotta do it blindfolded.

Sometimes you gotta believe curiosity really killed the cat, sometimes you gotta believe that cats have nine lives.  

Sometimes you gotta think practical, sometimes, man just give it to fate and destiny.

Sometimes you gotta believe that it's your fault, sometimes you gotta believe it's others'.

Sometimes you got to believe no one is to blame, sometimes you got to believe everyone is to blame.

Sometimes you gotta discipline yourself for your faults, sometimes you gotta just pat yourself on the back and give yourself a big hug.

Sometimes hugs don't solve problems, but a friend told me that hugs definitely make you feel better.

Sometimes miscommunication sparks conflicts, sometimes damn, people just don't understand you.

Sometimes you feel a little lonely, sometimes you get a little weird,
sometimes you enjoy life, sometimes you just want to pause, rewind, replay.

Sometimes you feel like you need to do something because it's your life, sometimes you just need to go with the circumstances you are given and make the best out of it.

Sometimes people talk behind your back, sometimes people throw stones in your face,
sometimes you gotta learn to tune out the noise and maybe gather a bigger rock.

Sometimes you don't trust your friends because come on, we all know they'll give anything to get a big laugh out of you, but sometimes your friends can be the most accurate relationship-test-match-maker-stylist-period-stain-checker-hair-and-makeup-artist-advice-giver ever.

Sometimes the guy you meet at the newsstand every morning is the one you've been searching for, but there's also a chance that he's a serial rapist, so yeah just a heads up.

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