Tuesday 16 February 2016

Chinese New Year 2016 + Quick Update

The clock struck twelve, and as my NCIS episode played on I got on my phone and sent all good wishes to friends and family.

Chinese New Year is a signification of great beginnings. Amidst the heavy rain that was washing away the bad of 2015, deafening firecrackers crackled, fireworks whistled and exploded with a myriad of colors before falling down like a star to the ground below.

The sky was instantly in a haze of smoke and air, and everyone in the neighborhood came out to take a breath of smoke and witness the sparkly sky before us. It was like giving a toast together, to the new year ahead.

Here's to a great year ahead. (insert beer jug cheers emoji)

I've made my resolutions. Again, health, safety and happiness. Simple.

I've never felt this way before, not knowing what exactly will happen this year.

For the past years, my routine has been the same: school. I'd go to school everyday regardless what year it was. Now that I have graduated, I don't know when college starts. I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what course should I pursue in, what college should I go to, should I even go to college, what lifestyle do I want in the future, what college life do I want, what do I love to do, career outcomes, job salaries, goals and how to achieve them, and a lot of other unanswered questions.

Things will work out, they always do.

I remember going out at night and dad was like "Don't drink beer or anything, you never know what might happen to you." hahaha, I know I know, but I always end up drinking anyway. The best cocktail in life is a mixture of friends, drinks and a good long chat.

We organized another class trip, like last year and it was great.

Fast forward and the first week is over. Whew, time really does not rest, does it?

I've been slacking off the posts lately (and again), because I have work now. I've been teaching for a few weeks now, tutoring juniors who are a mere age younger than me. Also, I've gone to an interview for a job at a cafe, and wow I hope things go well. Work starts tomorrow so I'm exceptionally nervous now.

It feels like butterflies stuck on gum in my stomach. Not sure what that means, hmm kinda like nervous but excited.

Fingers crossed.
Happy Chinese New Year!
Love, C.

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