Sunday 25 October 2015

Keep Holding On.

Photo credits: Tumblr

I was browsing through the Youtube comments because the video was taking forever to load. Someone posted that he(or she) wanted to take his life because he doesn't have friends, he gets bullied in school and he's 16.

I was also depressed at 16, not because of bullying but I ODed on the overthinking pill. I don't think suicide and depression is something to be taken lightly, even if it's frequent (which is a bad thing).

Insecurities can kill, I know, but learning to handle them can be a great weapon. We all have demons right? If you can learn to control them, they can bring out the best in you. That boy, he's bullied and that makes him insecure. Bullies, are cowards. Period. They pick on others just to make themselves feel better. My best friend once told me that people tease you just to see how you react to them. If you don't give a damn, they will stop. By not giving a damn, you have to love yourself, hang out with the right crowd, find a niche, find your passion, and just do what you do.

Emotional strength is not given by birth. Parents can't teach their kids that, trust me. "You won't find yourself by looking in the mirror." You need to fall so hard it breaks your bones, and cry and cry for nights before you stand up and realize you're sick of this shit. One day you'll learn to fight for yourself, you'll find yourself and you'll love yourself. That's the biggest surprise your future can ever give you. Your stories, be proud of them. Don't let others dim your sparkle, don't let others spend your pride. 

My teacher came into the class and he told us a story about a guy who got bad grades but went on and made a name for himself later on in the future. Cliche, but inspiring. He said "Whatever you get now, whatever you're going through now, it will not kill you." I'm like "Yeah, it will not kill me." 

It certainly won't kill that boy. I hope he stays strong, and go through it. Push, keep pushing. The worst and the best is yet to come. 

Keep going, 
Love, C.

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