Thursday 1 October 2015

Food stand

photo credits: Tumblr

Food is a very arguable topic, I must admit. Some people think eating too much of it, almost stuffing it in, is a disgrace. Some people think when it shows in your body and weight, it's a disgrace. Some people think it's an unhealthy lifestyle to devote oneself to food. Well here's my two cents.

Me and many people out there love food. It's that indescribable feeling when the flavors seep into your taste buds and all the sweet neurons and impulses snuggle up against your brain. Gently, yet so intense, they stay there and keep staying there.

I don't want to go on about how much I love my food. I don't think I have to.

I saw, on a certain television show, the members were debating whether eating food is a waste of time. First of all, food is never a waste of time. Healthily or otherwise, it is not a waste of time. Food is one of the crucial things we need to survive, so how can surviving be a waste of time? Yes, they can also mean eating and indulging too much food is a waste of time. I personally believe that eating is a way to enjoy and to de-stress. It is a very simple and often inexpensive way to top the cherry on the cake when the day ends.

I consider food to be one of the little things in life that brings me happiness. Some people nurtures a certain disinterest towards food because it affects their health, their physical appearance and the weight on the scale.

To be honest, I've been there. I was close to bulimia, I'm not kidding. A lot of people around me don't know this because I've always kept a happy mood around them. My good friends know, they think I'm insane. They kept talking me out of it and thanks to them, I'm really okay now. (and no I'm not going to write more about this, it's not something I'd like to talk about)

One huge lesson I learned from that part of my life: Balance is a powerful key.

I've learned to love fitness and I work out everyday. I know when to watch what I eat, and when to let go of myself. There are also healthy variations of your favorite food on the net, you just got to dig into it.

I don't think I can give up my love for food. I find healthy ways to balance out the calories I consume. It's a win-win situation.

Food is not a waste of time, nor is it a disgrace. Balance and self discipline can carry you a long way, and at the end of the day while you're munching on chicken wings, you'll realize it's not one bit of a bad thing.

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