Tuesday 13 October 2015

A little update, a little thank you.

I've been doing great. Stress levels are quite doable, since I'm getting the hang of it. It's approximately 20 days till SPM. I'm feeling good, just want to get it over with. I've got so much planned after the exam, I'm so excited. 

Went to Batang Ai the other day. Car ride was great. I'm a huge fan of road trips, just sitting there with my earphones plugged in #luxury. We stayed at Hilton Batang Ai Longhouse Resort because that's kinda the only hotel there. (I think so). It was my first time visiting a dam so it was pretty cool. The resort was beautiful, but a lot of mozzies though. Service was great, dinner was meh, breakfast buffet was quite good actually. I sang a lot in the hotel room and the next door ang mohs were like "Did you enjoy the show? I heard you got a lot going on over there." He probably thought I was watching TV or something. lolllll

I've been skipping a lot of classes lately. School is fun, but it's definitely not a great place to actually study in. I probably sound absurd right now but my class is one of the noisiest classes in the whole school. It's definitely not a place for us to sit and read, catch my drift? I love my class and it's a lot of fun but I just can't study there so I took a few days off to catch up on my studies. Apparently official study leave is not approved and they will fail our testimonial so we can't actually apply for study leave. I have to geng sick loh, what to do? Shhhh

Oh and one more thing, graduation is just around the corner and it got me thinking about a lot of things. I really want to thank my friends and you know, the usual drill but there's one group of people I'd also like to thank. I'd like to thank my readers, or anyone who got directed here or chanced upon my blog somehow. Anyone who has actually read my posts. Thanks a lot, by just reading them means a lot to me. I'm just a starter in this blog scene, and I'll always create material for the blog so just bear with me. To be honest, I have a huge passion for writing and blogging makes my life a whole lot meaningful. The fact that people are reading these motivates me a lot so thank you readers. Whoever you are, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You can leave a comment or follow my social media sites to let me know you're around. I'll make sure to give you a shoutout. ;) 

Stay healthy, stay happy. Love, C.

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