Sunday 27 December 2015

Christmas, hitting the 2015 slate and resolutions.

Dec 24.
Christmas Eve and I'm not home.
I miss home, I miss my people.
Taiwan's great, not to be mistaken.
I tend to get homesick easily, guess that's a good thing?

Dec 25.
Back home on Christmas morning, feels so good.

Christmas was joy in the simplest way. Tea with friends, dinner with family. We don't share presents, but aunt got me some. She always get us presents.

I think when you really want the year to end, it ends slowly but when it really passes you'll come to find that time flies faster than ever. Don't you think?

Hmm, 2015. Except for crazy shit-just-got-real moments, nothing big happened. I guess, like everyone else, I didn't have the liberty of time to play this year. Everything about 2015 has been said thousands of times over on my blog. I don't know how to summarize, really. I've been ready for graduation one year earlier, and maybe it was too early, because when the time came I took it just like that. I let go a long time ago. Now everyone's going separate ways, some are already overseas, some are already planning to go overseas, some are starting to fill college applications, everyone's hustling.

Me? I haven't figured anything out yet. Everything will fall into place, I believe.

Ohh wow, resolutions. I forgot what I wrote for this year, I forgot what I've virtually crossed out. I doubt I've achieved anything. It's funny because I feel a lot more lost than I've ever been this year. My brains fuzzy, a lot of loose screws. This holiday will screw them back, I suppose.

What I want for in 2016, is simple. It's a very run-of-the-mill list, but simplicity rules all. Safety, health, happiness and joy. To me, my family, and friends. Simple.

Admittedly also, skills which I am working on, and a great college life and future ahead.

This is all I wish for. I need a positive mind!

Merry Christmas, and a great new year ahead! 
Love, C.

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