Sunday 13 December 2015

Brushing off more cobwebs.

From Prom Night.
I love my dress, loveeeee it.
I'm so bad at solo shots, my legs and hands are always so awkward.
That's why I have this photo, with two of my good friends.
It's so saturated, I know.
But it's okay.

I've been so busy.
I don't know why I'm so busy.
Finally found some time to settle down.
I haven't really settle down yet, to be honest.
This holiday is going to be super productive, I know it.

I've got so much plans up my sleeves, it's starting to feel like a chore.
I need more time.
But it's all good.
I'm expanding my skills.
My friends all are looking for part-time jobs.
I don't want to.
I want to learn, as much as I can.
Call it "prepping for college" as you will.
When you see someone so talented, it hurts.
I haven't had the opportunity to figure out my talents.
Mom and dad didn't want to send me to classes.
I remember I wanted to learn piano, but dad didn't let me.
I wanted to learn so much.
Music, dancing, art.
I've grown up with empty hands.
Now is the time, for me understand myself better.
And at least try to do something significant.
I want to learn, I want to sweep my interests all in one hand.
Understand them, and to the very least, try to master them.

There is always the contrary side,
I used to sit around and watch series after series of Korean shows,
or maybe YouTube, snoop every nook and cranny for some good music.
That's my form of relaxation.
Now I'm constantly like "Wait, I need to learn this first."
"Wait till I finish this."
Too many things to do.
I think I need to get used to it.
I'm not hating it or anything.
It's great actually.
It's just something different from my usual routine.
I'm in for something big, after all.

Aside from that, I'm going to Taiwan!
We've been planning this trip for a year now, and it's happening!
I'm really excited!
This trip marks my first time travelling with friends.
What I really want to do is go shopping, lol.

Once I come back it's going to be Christmas!
Christmas is never like Christmas anymore.
I miss the old Christmas times.
Now everyone is so disconnected.
Technology killed the vibe.
Everything is so online now.
It doesn't feel exciting anymore because everyone is too prepared.
When the actual time comes everyone is like mehhhh.

I'm gonna download some podcasts from JKNews for my flight.
Best news channel ever!
And some new albums to check out!

Till next time, stay jolly.
Love, C.

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