Friday 4 December 2015

Brushing off cobwebs

1. I have finally graduated from high school. The weight off my shoulders is a huge relief. I'm still taking it little by little day by day, and I'm really enjoying the "do-nothing" days.

2. I'm in love with Avicii *raises hand fangirl here*. He's a beautiful person, I perceive. He makes great music, he's talented, looks hawt af and when he smiles *melts* Check out the video below. I melted so hard.

I downloaded his Stories album past two weeks ago and I've been replaying it over and over again since then. It's genuine, nongeneric gold. Trust me, I'm not being biased here.

3. Martin Garrix is 19. What am I doing with my life. Damn. 

lol just kidding I love my life

This week has been crazy. I had to clean my room, shop for supplies for my upcoming class trip, and also grab some makeup for prom. AND I also need to shed some fat (seems like I've heard this 10000 times before)

It's hectic but it's a great kind of hectic because I feel like I'm a part of something big, like something grand is about to go down. Plus, I don't rush because I don't need to prioritize and commit to school work anymore, I can do things slow without abstaining myself.

I have a feeling that this holiday is going to be amazing. 
So much plans I can't keep up! 
Lots and lots of love, C.

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