Sunday 23 November 2014

That time again.

If the holiday was longer, I wish I'd skipped out on all plans and events regrading meeting up with friends.

I'd go MIA now, but what's the point? I have another month left till the new school year starts. I wish it was longer. Amazing how time flies huh?

It's that time again where nothing works, and it seems like everything is giving up on me and i'm even starting to give up on myself.

But to where can I escape when there's still a lot to do left and there's a lot coming and it's like a wave you can't jump over.

I stare at a screen everyday looking at those successful people thinking when can I be like them when I can't even pull myself through this.

The hardships, they come so fast and go so slow. How am I suppose to breathe in a place where air is not enough for all?

See I write all those motivation posts and to be honest I feel like it's the best advice I can give but deep down I feel like it's just a sympathy for myself. Like how you close your eyes and imagine the sunlight when you're stuck in a dark dungeon.

I'm not good at taking my own advices, my heart wins every time. My mind is telling me that I can do better than this but my heart is constantly reminding me that it's rotting away with time.

I promised myself that I'd be the best than the rest, not now then next time but truthfully I'm afraid that I'd be nothing. I afraid that I'd fade away too. While the rest are making headlines, i'm the one reading them.

I saw someone on a show and he said that he was afraid of turning on the TV because he was afraid of seeing his friends and those people who are more successful than him. Exactly, was what I thought.

This, this summarizes this whole post.

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