Tuesday 25 November 2014

How To Make Kimchi Tuna Onigiri

I tried making Onigiri today. I actually got the idea from Abnormal Summit's Takuya where he made Onigiri for the members there. It's quite a simple dish and it's filling too so you can just eat it as a meal.

I tried putting kimchi in it and it tastes really nice thus I created this Korean-Japanese fusion. To be honest, I actually think that kimbap and onigiri is quite similar. There's Kimchi Tuna Kimbap too actually.

You will need:
-Rice (Any leftover rice would be fine, if not then just cook the amount you would normally cook for a one person serving. I cooked about one cup and it makes 3-4 depending on the size.)
-Tuna Mayo
-Seaweed. (I don't have one at home so i'm making it without them)
-A bowl of cold water

First, scoop out some rice and flatten them on a plate. (you can put it on your hand if you want but make sure your hand is wet so the rice won't stick to your hands. Since my rice is hot so i'm putting it on a plate.) 

I'm using kimchi juice here because the kimchi might not break easily when you eat it. Kimchi juice is fine, you just want that spicy sour taste. Use about one teaspoon and spread it on the rice. Make sure not to spread it on the edges. Just keep it centered. 

Add tuna and spread it too, keep it centered. TIP: Add a thick layer because the rice will taste bland if you just add a little. But still not too much cuz' the onigiri will burst. 

Now you want to dip your hand in that bowl of water so that the rice wont stick to your hand. Layer a thin layer of rice on top of the filling, just enough to cover them and you would want to kind of seal the edges so slightly press on the top layer and the bottom layer together. Now you're going to take the whole thing in your palms, make sure it's wet and you are going to roll it into a ball or whatever shape you want. 

PS: Wet hands is really important because it can really be a mess if the rice starts sticking onto your hands and it can create holes in the onigiri so you must keep your hands wet before handling with the onigiri. Plus I would advice to add as much flavouring and fillings as you want, you can try new fillings too but just be sure to put the amount that's just right so the rice won't taste bland. 

Happy cooking! 

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