Tuesday 25 November 2014

How To Make Kimchi Tuna Onigiri

I tried making Onigiri today. I actually got the idea from Abnormal Summit's Takuya where he made Onigiri for the members there. It's quite a simple dish and it's filling too so you can just eat it as a meal.

I tried putting kimchi in it and it tastes really nice thus I created this Korean-Japanese fusion. To be honest, I actually think that kimbap and onigiri is quite similar. There's Kimchi Tuna Kimbap too actually.

You will need:
-Rice (Any leftover rice would be fine, if not then just cook the amount you would normally cook for a one person serving. I cooked about one cup and it makes 3-4 depending on the size.)
-Tuna Mayo
-Seaweed. (I don't have one at home so i'm making it without them)
-A bowl of cold water

First, scoop out some rice and flatten them on a plate. (you can put it on your hand if you want but make sure your hand is wet so the rice won't stick to your hands. Since my rice is hot so i'm putting it on a plate.) 

I'm using kimchi juice here because the kimchi might not break easily when you eat it. Kimchi juice is fine, you just want that spicy sour taste. Use about one teaspoon and spread it on the rice. Make sure not to spread it on the edges. Just keep it centered. 

Add tuna and spread it too, keep it centered. TIP: Add a thick layer because the rice will taste bland if you just add a little. But still not too much cuz' the onigiri will burst. 

Now you want to dip your hand in that bowl of water so that the rice wont stick to your hand. Layer a thin layer of rice on top of the filling, just enough to cover them and you would want to kind of seal the edges so slightly press on the top layer and the bottom layer together. Now you're going to take the whole thing in your palms, make sure it's wet and you are going to roll it into a ball or whatever shape you want. 

PS: Wet hands is really important because it can really be a mess if the rice starts sticking onto your hands and it can create holes in the onigiri so you must keep your hands wet before handling with the onigiri. Plus I would advice to add as much flavouring and fillings as you want, you can try new fillings too but just be sure to put the amount that's just right so the rice won't taste bland. 

Happy cooking! 

Sunday 23 November 2014

That time again.

If the holiday was longer, I wish I'd skipped out on all plans and events regrading meeting up with friends.

I'd go MIA now, but what's the point? I have another month left till the new school year starts. I wish it was longer. Amazing how time flies huh?

It's that time again where nothing works, and it seems like everything is giving up on me and i'm even starting to give up on myself.

But to where can I escape when there's still a lot to do left and there's a lot coming and it's like a wave you can't jump over.

I stare at a screen everyday looking at those successful people thinking when can I be like them when I can't even pull myself through this.

The hardships, they come so fast and go so slow. How am I suppose to breathe in a place where air is not enough for all?

See I write all those motivation posts and to be honest I feel like it's the best advice I can give but deep down I feel like it's just a sympathy for myself. Like how you close your eyes and imagine the sunlight when you're stuck in a dark dungeon.

I'm not good at taking my own advices, my heart wins every time. My mind is telling me that I can do better than this but my heart is constantly reminding me that it's rotting away with time.

I promised myself that I'd be the best than the rest, not now then next time but truthfully I'm afraid that I'd be nothing. I afraid that I'd fade away too. While the rest are making headlines, i'm the one reading them.

I saw someone on a show and he said that he was afraid of turning on the TV because he was afraid of seeing his friends and those people who are more successful than him. Exactly, was what I thought.

This, this summarizes this whole post.

Saturday 15 November 2014

The Fandom

Just got back from KL. My head still hurts from the flight.

Just saw a thread on a forum about Korean fans and it's quite ridiculous how they stick up to their biases and worship them like god.

They can easily get into a fight when someone "touches their oppa" and roots for them no matter what their do. That is a good thing actually but it's really annoying how you can't even get a conversation going cuz them people be cursing through the whole thread.

It's funny how the fandoms work. When their biases succeed, they say it's because of their talent and hard work, when other groups succeed, they say it's because of their label's power. Isn't it childish? I hope they realise this.

And what I don't get is about how conservative some fans are. I don't see why celebs or idols can't live life like a normal person would. Professionalism is about producing quality material, be it music or in variety shows, and taking care of your image generally and overall. Restriction is a totally different thing.

To be honest, I personally think that these type of fans are the ones who chain the idols, not the label and the nature of the industry. They tend to expect so much from their "oppas/unnis" since society is moving so fast they think that the idols are robots.

On the contrary, there are also quite a bunch of fans that think realistically and think overall about the problem. They don't stick up to their biases right away but think through what's right or wrong. This balances out the fandom and makes the forum less crazy.

For example, there's this commotion about group A vs group B and I saw someone commented and he/she said that he/she was a fan of group A but thinks that group B might win in certain aspects and vice versa. I guess every thread has to have someone like this because that is the exact answer we needed.

And it's so funny how I used to get be so protective of my bias too but now i'm learning to think realistically.. I hope the fans can support someone for the music and the way they carry themselves on shows.

I meant no offence since I know that fans can get so damn crazy at times. :P

Sunday 9 November 2014

#np: November's Playlist

This month's theme is "Scrambled". I threw in a bunch of random genres together but trust me, it's worth the try. ;)

Without You - Beckah Shae

Love this! 

12:30 - Beast

It's been like only 5 months since their Good Luck mini album and now they're out with their 7th mini album Time. 12:30 is beautiful. They did it again. :)

Hold My Hand - The Fray

From their Helios album. Personally like this the most out of the songs in Helios.

Infinity - AJR

AJR is just fun and enthusiastic! This song is definitely a must on a workday playlist. 

Between Here and Now - Stars Go Dim

I'm hooked on this song. Love the song, love the lyrics.

Seventeen - Stars Go Dim

Another SGD song. I think I just love them.
Honorary mentions: Love Gone Mad & Crazy

Ghost - Ella Henderson

A friend introduced me to this song. Catchy chorus. Nice beats.

I Choose You - Sara Bareilles

This song has been on the radio for quite some time now so I was pondering whether to add it in or not.
But heck it's nice. Love her vocal colour. :D

Peacyy, C.

Friday 7 November 2014

Nov 07

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain

I'm feeling so much better now in the holidays. A break sounds good to me.

I'm feeling wanderlust now, and craving for sushi.

Anywayyy, here's a really nice song I discovered.

Without You- Beckah Shae

Tuesday 4 November 2014

5 Things About Support When We Fall Down

At times we fly, other times we fall. We often wonder who will be there to break the fall, but sometimes and for some people, it's always no one. Those people will somehow be stronger on the inside mentally because they have learnt that it's always okay to just mend your wings with little help or just individually.

Fake friends and true friends

This probably has drilled and mend a huge hole in our lives mainly because we are able to see the people who will always be there for you and the people you just simply call "friends" because there's no other term to call them. It's good to shake away those "friends" and make place for the ones who really care for you.

You got yourself into this, but you're not going to get yourself out alone.

You wont be able to win every battle life throws at you. At times, you will have to be like Icarus so just enjoy the free-fall. You'll meet kindred spirits that'll give you that warm feeling and strength to embrace the fall. They may not stop the fall, but they'll help you throughout and mend you after the fall.

The people who mind doesn't matter.

I think this is the best thing I'd like to hear when i'm down. The people who mind really doesn't matter. The people who criticize or judge you don't even try to put themselves in your shoes. They just think within the framework of their own selfish perspective. It's a very simple reason, they just don't matter. 

The ones who are there to help you are the ones who have helped you with the little things in life

Life sure is full of surprises when the people you thought would come to help you did not and the unexpected ones are those who lend a helping hand. It's cute and heart-warming to know that they are here for you instead of those who didn't turn up when they said they would. 

Embrace the fact that you have no one and trust yourself that you can make it

During the times when you have no one at all, you just to acknowledge it and trust yourself in mending your own wings. It's hard but it's a good experience. Come out strong and make your mark so that everyone will know that you are capable. 

Stay happy.
Love, C.