Friday 26 September 2014

If life gives you lemons...

Let me tell you something awful.

Tomorrow will not be better. 

I’m sorry if I’m crushing souls here but nope it will not be better.

You see, if that was really the case then the world would be filled with love and ponies and sugar, spice and everything nice by now.

The world is still so damn jaded and evil.

But it’s your own perspective that matters, how you handle the aftermath of the storm.

You have to mold your own key to get out of your own prison.

I just created a quote, tsk tsk.

Someone once told me that people try to bring you down because they want to see how you react to it. Come out strong and they’ll stop.

Don’t ever think that your life is ruined. If you give even just a single damn about your life, it’s not ruined.  

I still love what I said before, not everything happens to you.

Bad things don’t come in a bundle, well maybe they do but they sure don’t come in bundles. Lame pun I know.

Realize when you’re so weak and when you start to really fight for your life, you become so strong?

Live in the moment. Because in the moment, everything is in present tense. No regrets.

Don’t worry so much because things we worry about usually don’t happen.

I’ve never shared this but there’s a quote I saw on Facebook a long long time ago and it goes “You've gone this far, went through this much, shouldn't you get a reward for this?”

It means that since you’ve been through this much, then go on and be better, that’s the reward. Not from anyone else but from you yourself.

That’s the quote that motivates me the most.

It keeps me going.

Everyone has problems so don’t be too hard on yourself. 


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