Monday 2 December 2013

Sibu 2D1N

OMG, she changed her header again. O.O Ahahha I keep changing my header photo. Thats me ;)
Ps* I've updated The Blogger section. Click here!

Spent my weekend in Sibu for cousin's wedding. Flight was like 20 minutes only, ahahha. We stayed in Kingwood Hotel, and im still missing the bed right now. It was like queen sized for one person. Not like some hotels really shitty one.

OOTD: Lightning cropped tank top // Knitted Sweater in Navy Blue, Seed // Grey Sport Pants, Adidas // Creepers, China

Da wedding dinner outfit


Studded Flared Tank, Seed // Mullet Skirt, Brands // Golden Leaves Necklace, Vincci // Envelope Clutch 

*shy shy*

The next day, we went to try Sibu's famous kampua noodles for breakfast. I just realised i didn't take photo of the noodles now. Lol. 

Then we went shopping in the market lol.

Dabai fruit. One of my favs! Wikipedia here

Ahahhaahaha cant help laughing the hell when I saw this. Never see people selling chicken like this. If you buy the chicken they will put inside the plastic bag like when we go shopping. So cute lah.

Checking out his chicken with swag. (Y)

Ending off with Tablo's music, Tomorrow.

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