Tuesday 10 December 2013

Monkey Tuesday.

wtf. Oh are you kidding me? She changed he header again?!

Daily to-do-list
Running Man
Running Man
Running Man
Running Man

What is going on with everybody? Why nobody jio me out this holiday huh?! Just kidding. No, seriously. Endless laughter from Running Man, HaHa daebak! Lol. Even that couldn't keep me from getting bored. Not bored with the show but basically bored with my life. (act sad sia)

I've been eating alot lately (omg, got to stop) and putting A LOT of weight recently. FML. Why is the world so cruel. #firstworldproblems

Results coming out soon! Shit, yes that word. idontcareifyoujudgeme. Every time I think of results that word comes into my mind. Not gonna get myself started on this all over again. Next!

Have you ever heard about stressed about being stress-less? That's what i'm going through now. *i sound like i'm going through middle-age-crisis fml* 

Okay, end with the rants. You guys probably wouldn't know what i'm talking to either. But! Before you go "Booooriiiiinggggg", I have something you might like.

Jeng jeng jeng!

To all the photography lovers, or to say photoshop lovers *tsk tsk* I have some candy for you.


Now PicMonkey is not your typical photo editor application. I've used different editors and a lot of them are very typical. PicMonkey has become one of my favourites, tbh. Its different than other editors you use. Trust me. (I hope)

For those lazy people who doesn't like to download things, this is perfect for you! PicMonkey is an online photo editor that turns your dull photos into stunning high quality professional looking photos. (ps it has some surprises up its sleeves too)

I found PicMonkey on Google Chrome apps a long time ago actually *shys*  But since I always use my phone and rarely touch my netbook, I didn't really give it a second try. Its like touch and go lol.

Now i'm using my netbook everyday so i'm using it again cos MTXX is really getting on my nerves.

Their homepage. I love how detailed their web design is. Every itsy bitsy thing is pretty. The fonts, pictures background... Plus, it doesn't have ads popping out of the page. I hate it when there's ads here and there. Its annoying.

One thing I like about PicMonkey is their range of collages. From square shapes to rectangular to L shapes, everything is one of a kind.

They have this FB cover option too. You rarely see this in other editors. Yeah sure they have options for FB covers but they usually don't have the collage option. The whole system is very simple and easy to use. Clean and fresh! :)

Now to the photo effects. This is a pic from my China trip. After adding cross process effect it looks stunning, don't you agree?

They have a huge range of effects too, all nicely categorized. Btw, I love the little pictures behind the options. Very neat don't you think? ;)

And this! From their texture option. This is the bomb! Galaxy or Space, be it backgrounds, apparels, shoes, anything, is on trend right now. I've been looking for this since like 100 years ago lol. So nice! Its nicer when you do it on a blank white piece.

Aaaaand, if you don't wanna edit photos or just bored and wanna have some fun, you can choose Design to do whatever you want on a blank sheet. And aaaaaaand, there's the FB cover option again. For people like me that changes header always, or if you want to design your own header you can click FB cover option. I did my latest header at PicMonkey using the FB cover option. Nice or not?! :P

Who doesn't love fonts? They have a huge range of fonts from pretty to vintage, retro, classic, cute, witty, scary and sorts. 

Still not satisfied? Go have a try yourself, you'll love it! (this is not an advertorial)
Visit PicMonkey now! www.picmonkey.com

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