Monday 30 December 2013

Running Man lost its touch?

It took me one year of Running Man episodes to come up with this post. Is Running Man losing its touch? Well for me it clearly is. 

The show is becoming too predictable. Who will win. Who will lose. 

Yoo Jae Suk- The not-so-good-yet-not-so-bad one. 
Lee Kwang Soo- The betrayer. The one who loses in everything.
Song Ji Hyo- Brains and courage.
Kang Gary- The witty guy. Sometimes an unpredictable hero. (but I guess its predictable now)
Ji Suk Jin- The one who is literally good at nothing.
Kim Jong Kook- The strongest one. Show off and wins every time.
Haha- The one who somehow knows what to say at the moment. 

For already watching this amount of episodes, you can predict who will win, who will lose.

When it comes to hide and seek and any games that require strength, most likely Kim Jong Kook will win. Unless there is a superweapon or Kang Gary saves the day, KJK will win. 

Then we automatically move on to Lee Kwang Soo. He will lose when it comes to hide and seek. 

Yoo Jae Suk will lose when it comes to hide and seek though he is quite good at games that require skills. 

Song Ji Hyo will most likely solve all puzzles and go for anything without second guessing. 

Kang Gary will be the one who portrays stoicism and all he wants is some witty moment with SJH. 

Haha is good at running and at skilled games. He knows what to say and when to say it humorously without crossing the line.

Ji Suk Jin will lose at anything except for quizzes and, yeah that's it.

I personally don't like the way they treat Lee Kwang Soo, no matter if its scripted or if its realistic. Don't you think he needs some respect. He's a maknae doesn't give you the right to treat him like a dog. I don't even know how he's handling it so well, not showing any pain. LKS chose to be a loser, that's what a lot of sites said. Even so, you can't treat him like that. How they bullied him, humiliated him, looked down on him, don't you guys feel pity? I feel like slapping the sense out of those guys whenever they treat him like shit.

That, of course, automatically leads to me disliking Kim Jong Kook. He's a big show-off. Girls are his weakness. In episode 115, Moon Geun Young and TVXQ was the guest. I feel like puking when KJK acted oh soft and gentle towards Moon Geun Young. Oh and so typical that he was paired up with Moon. That episode was one of the worst just because of KJK and Moon. Moon knew that girls are his weakness so she was very girly and annoying. KJK ended up protecting her, helping her and Moon succeeded not because she was good, its because she has KJK on her side. Bullcrap. *pukes*

Running Man is on for 3 years now. Every one of the cast members have improved until their limits, though it seems that there is a lot to improve in them but that's it. They have nowhere to go and nothing to evolve into. I hope that the production team can find the problems and solve it quickly. Running Man is truly a show second to none. Despite all this, i'm still loving it. ;)

Everything that I say here is based on my opinion. I'm sure you have your own opinions too so if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. Just don't. All photo credits to Google.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!! Seems like people are celebrating it the "modern" way. With all the xmas hash tags and xmas selfies and xmassy thingys on the net, it doesn't fail to remind you that its the time of the year again!

2013 was abit rough but its definitely a year that I learned a lot. I feel like I grow a lot mature and I learnt to move on, let go, forgive and forget. Learnt to appreciate friends and know that they are people who supports me. "I may not be liked but I know I am loved"

2012. We were all wondering and waiting for the apocalypse, well that didn't happen and 2013 came and go just like that.

2014. I promise to be better and work hard in everything, not for anyone but I'll fight for myself. Feel blessed to be in the same class with my friends again. Going to work hard as a blogger too! 

Thanks to the people that supported me, will support me and always have supported me. Thanks to the people who has been there by my side all this while. 2013 was a year I learnt a lot. I walked through bitter times, I now have the courage to go on no matter how strong the storm ahead is. Thanks to God. Thanks, thanks for everything.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Monkey Tuesday.

wtf. Oh are you kidding me? She changed he header again?!

Daily to-do-list
Running Man
Running Man
Running Man
Running Man

What is going on with everybody? Why nobody jio me out this holiday huh?! Just kidding. No, seriously. Endless laughter from Running Man, HaHa daebak! Lol. Even that couldn't keep me from getting bored. Not bored with the show but basically bored with my life. (act sad sia)

I've been eating alot lately (omg, got to stop) and putting A LOT of weight recently. FML. Why is the world so cruel. #firstworldproblems

Results coming out soon! Shit, yes that word. idontcareifyoujudgeme. Every time I think of results that word comes into my mind. Not gonna get myself started on this all over again. Next!

Have you ever heard about stressed about being stress-less? That's what i'm going through now. *i sound like i'm going through middle-age-crisis fml* 

Okay, end with the rants. You guys probably wouldn't know what i'm talking to either. But! Before you go "Booooriiiiinggggg", I have something you might like.

Jeng jeng jeng!

To all the photography lovers, or to say photoshop lovers *tsk tsk* I have some candy for you.


Now PicMonkey is not your typical photo editor application. I've used different editors and a lot of them are very typical. PicMonkey has become one of my favourites, tbh. Its different than other editors you use. Trust me. (I hope)

For those lazy people who doesn't like to download things, this is perfect for you! PicMonkey is an online photo editor that turns your dull photos into stunning high quality professional looking photos. (ps it has some surprises up its sleeves too)

I found PicMonkey on Google Chrome apps a long time ago actually *shys*  But since I always use my phone and rarely touch my netbook, I didn't really give it a second try. Its like touch and go lol.

Now i'm using my netbook everyday so i'm using it again cos MTXX is really getting on my nerves.

Their homepage. I love how detailed their web design is. Every itsy bitsy thing is pretty. The fonts, pictures background... Plus, it doesn't have ads popping out of the page. I hate it when there's ads here and there. Its annoying.

One thing I like about PicMonkey is their range of collages. From square shapes to rectangular to L shapes, everything is one of a kind.

They have this FB cover option too. You rarely see this in other editors. Yeah sure they have options for FB covers but they usually don't have the collage option. The whole system is very simple and easy to use. Clean and fresh! :)

Now to the photo effects. This is a pic from my China trip. After adding cross process effect it looks stunning, don't you agree?

They have a huge range of effects too, all nicely categorized. Btw, I love the little pictures behind the options. Very neat don't you think? ;)

And this! From their texture option. This is the bomb! Galaxy or Space, be it backgrounds, apparels, shoes, anything, is on trend right now. I've been looking for this since like 100 years ago lol. So nice! Its nicer when you do it on a blank white piece.

Aaaaand, if you don't wanna edit photos or just bored and wanna have some fun, you can choose Design to do whatever you want on a blank sheet. And aaaaaaand, there's the FB cover option again. For people like me that changes header always, or if you want to design your own header you can click FB cover option. I did my latest header at PicMonkey using the FB cover option. Nice or not?! :P

Who doesn't love fonts? They have a huge range of fonts from pretty to vintage, retro, classic, cute, witty, scary and sorts. 

Still not satisfied? Go have a try yourself, you'll love it! (this is not an advertorial)
Visit PicMonkey now!

Monday 9 December 2013


The reason I rant a lot is because personally I don't like keeping things in my heart. Its very uncomfortable for me to have loads of thoughts in my mind.

Sometimes I read books and have the inspiration to say or do something, but I cant keep on spamming tweets or facebook statuses or people might think i'm crazy.

Recently I've found a way to express myself, which is through writing. Its a hobby right now. 

"I'm no writer, but i'm an author."

Indeed, im no professional. I'm still learning and practising to write better articles. Though it seems to me that writing is not about the accurate grammar, full stops and commas, metaphors and similes etc. Its about expressing yourself in a way that you connect with your readers. If your readers can feel what you write, then you are successful. 

I write stories, but not your average bedtime stories. No fairytales, no Romeo and Juliet. Those who love reading fiction and just fiction, you probably wouldn't like my stories. 

My stories are no treasure quest tho, not everybody can find the treasure, because my kind of treasure comes naturally. Whether you will naturally realise the meaning behind my stories depends on yourself.  

I can go on forever on this but lets get straight to the point.

I started writing on my second blog, my writing blog.

I've been writing there just since November and its feels nice to have everything poured out there instead of keeping it inside. 

I hope people will like and support my works. Everything I write comes out from the heart and I hope readers will connect to my stories. I write in English and sometimes in Chinese. I gave up on Chinese since 13 so to keep my standard going, i'm learning more and more on writing in Chinese by reading books. Sorry for any grammar mistakes btw. Do check them out if you haven't, leave any comments if you have any. Thanks :) 

Ending off with G-Dragon's music, Window. I want to go on and on about how he does his thing but nope, i'm not gonna. *keep calm, keep calm*

Thursday 5 December 2013

HyperSharp Liner, Maybelline New York.

Eyeliners are used to define the eyes, it can create a more fiercer look, or a more softer one depending on one's own preferences.

A thin black line above the lash line is a new trend you can try out. Alexander Wang, Victoria Beckham and Proenza Schouler all got their models wearing super thin eyeliner this winter.

I ran out of eyeliner and got stuck with MAC's pencil eyeliner but i'm not a fan of pencil eyeliner because it smudges and its kinda rough to use.

Water and gel eyeliners are more comfortable to use with, so I grabbed Maybelline's HyperSharp Liner. Its been out on the shelves for quite some time now, back then it was 20+ or 30+ but I bought it for RM18.90. I was in a hurry that day so I didnt think much about the super fine feature.

X1 = 1 stroke
X2 = 2 strokes

See how thin when you go only one stroke.

Its smudge proof and waterproof. I did a test to see how waterproof it is. When you rub vigorously under water it will come off, thats what happens to the x2 strokes in the picture above. But when you rub it softly it wouldn't budge. x1 strokes in the picture above. So basically the waterproof is real.

0.05mm tip. (or something like that)

I didn't like it that much because its too thin for me. Had to go over a few times plus its not black enough too.

Pros : Waterproof, smudgeproof, pen type (cos I really hate the bottle type where they have a separate applicator)
Cons: Not black enough, cheap looking packaging

Cant complain that its too thin because it already stated that its gonna be thin. So yep. :)

Some music shall we?

Fine China, Covered by Lydia Paek. She's got swagggg.

Monday 2 December 2013

Sibu 2D1N

OMG, she changed her header again. O.O Ahahha I keep changing my header photo. Thats me ;)
Ps* I've updated The Blogger section. Click here!

Spent my weekend in Sibu for cousin's wedding. Flight was like 20 minutes only, ahahha. We stayed in Kingwood Hotel, and im still missing the bed right now. It was like queen sized for one person. Not like some hotels really shitty one.

OOTD: Lightning cropped tank top // Knitted Sweater in Navy Blue, Seed // Grey Sport Pants, Adidas // Creepers, China

Da wedding dinner outfit


Studded Flared Tank, Seed // Mullet Skirt, Brands // Golden Leaves Necklace, Vincci // Envelope Clutch 

*shy shy*

The next day, we went to try Sibu's famous kampua noodles for breakfast. I just realised i didn't take photo of the noodles now. Lol. 

Then we went shopping in the market lol.

Dabai fruit. One of my favs! Wikipedia here

Ahahhaahaha cant help laughing the hell when I saw this. Never see people selling chicken like this. If you buy the chicken they will put inside the plastic bag like when we go shopping. So cute lah.

Checking out his chicken with swag. (Y)

Ending off with Tablo's music, Tomorrow.