Tuesday 30 July 2013


Been cramped with books lately because of this week's mock exams. It's so stressful. I finally found some precious time to update you guys with my life. I'm using blogger mobile now so this post will be a little different than the other posts.

I don't know what hit me this time. I usually don't study this hard for exams but I suddenly did and my head is about to explode now. Why is everything so complicated?

I guess it's gonna pay off because I get a two-week-long holiday break. It's just two weeks but that's okay! At least I can do something to blog about. :)

Friendships are not going well now too. I've been like stuck in the middle of two friends that don't get along well.

Being trying out new makeup looks too but don't think any of then suits me:( Oh and I went to Mount Gading that day and saw some raffelsias. Yay! -.-

Okay bye. Back to my pile of never ending books. Catcha later.

Cheers to my bare face. -.- I love my smile, don't you? ;)

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