Saturday 20 July 2013

Random Updates: Saturday Dinner.

Hey there! Sorry for the lack of updated. Nothing to post about actually.
My brother's back for his summer break. Yay. Haven't seen him in three months.
We went to CityOne last night to watch a movie.

Thumbs up for Johnny Depp! 5/10 if you ask me. :(

We did a Welcome-Back party for my brother this evening and the dishes was Gnocchi and Momo. (and of course other stuffs too but the important part is those two because that's what i'll be writing about in this post which you will see later.)

Loving this camera right now! Its a Nikon D80 with AFS-NIKKOR 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G ED wide-angle lensses. 

And finally I got a taste of STICKY after so long!

Freaking nice!! 

Now on to the main point.


First you will need mash potatoes, flour and one egg! 
Then prepare flour( im not sure how much)

Then add in mash potatoes and egg.

Then KNEAD! And cut into cubes like this.

Then boil it until it floats and prepare whatever sauce you want :) We used the spaghetti bolognese sauce.  (I dont dare to post the finished dish because its kinda fail...)


We used the currypuff mould to make this.

Same thing. Make dough with flour and salt. Roll it real thin with rolling pin.

For the filling we used minced meat fried with onions, garlic and curry powder.




No drooling on my screen thank you.

Now to end this post i'll fill you with random shots..

Of my cat. Hahaha just kidding...

Pardon le brother. He wanted to look like a swollen-toothed tiger or something i think. -.-

Bye! Thanks for reading! XOXO