Saturday 6 July 2013

You are what you are.

Been nowhere lately because of the damn busy routines I have to deal with everyday. I stopped at some 

famous blogger's blog (which i will not name) and they kinda inspired me? I love their confidence and the 

way they write like nobody's business. The way they don't care about what other people think about them. 

The way they treat their haters. Damn PEI FU LAH! 

I think I have the blog curse lolol because everytime I share my blog to the world my facebook likes will all 

drop like hell (not like im so famous or what. IM NOT) but again you really will feel sad what.

But no matter, I will continue blogging (woo the spirit)

Every girl have money issues seriously and even though we dont have enough money we still want to go 

spend spend spend. "Shop till you drop" or whatever slogan you may use.

So every boy out there may I remind you to get your cha-chings on first ar. Just kidding (not like im the kind 

of person that will rob you blind or what lah!)

What next? This is what we call 闲聊 lor or at least I think it is, more like talking to myself (technically it is 

So bye! heeee

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