Monday 15 July 2013

The SONY fan.

I was checking out on some cameras and when I saw the price range I was like the typical "i think my budget not enough leh" person who have no hope. Nevermind nevermind.

Im a Sony fan and all the phones i've used are all SONY! Yes SONY! (actually I used nokia and samsung before but it sounds good when I put  it that way lalala)

Sony are usually famous for their cameras and..yeah their cameras. I mean phones. Sony phones.
Im using Sony Xperia Acro S now and all the pics i've taken on this blog is from my ACRO S. YES GOOGLE IT NOW FOR THE AMAZING SPECS. 

I bought it because mainly it's waterproof and yes its got lots of holes on this phone but SONY did a great job on keeping it still waterproof. 

The camera is 12 megapixels mind you. Sometimes the pics can come out shitty compared to a full camera but its still looks good and print-and-album-able. What the?

Full HD recording and all those cool stuffs. GOOGLE IT. 

The point here is that I'm still not impressed with the camera although its considered really good already for smartphone standard.

Or maybe its just me? Anyway, i will still choose Sony, they are the best! Best!

...maybe I really should get a real camera...

Yeah and btw i changed back to my old blog template because the blog skin is not exclusive err something like that.

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