Sunday 3 January 2016


Photo credit: Tumblr

Golden wings fluttered gracefully,
And sparkles of gold on it's skirt.

It bellowed ever so quietly, 
Covered in grime-stained rags, a little girl. 
Hush, my dear you need not fret.
I am just a fairy stuck on this icky spiderweb.

A fairy? Oh my do they exist!
Only if you believe my dear, do you believe?

I do! I do! 
But Alice you would not call me.
Nor the rabbit did I see.
Glass slippers never grazed my feet.
Nor pumpkin a carriage it turned out to be. 

A true heart can see magical things.
Cure this cruel world the evil that it brings. 
Magical things you are sure to see.
Because a heart as true as yours,
can turn the world as fresh as the evening breeze.

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