Wednesday 6 January 2016

Do you want to be beautiful?

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We decide what is pretty, or beautiful. It's entirely up to ourselves.

Nothing can truly define beauty. You and I both know that.

I look inside the mirror and sometimes I don't like the way I look. Especially on mornings, when I wake up. I see my arms and thighs a tad bit larger than yesterday, I see a layer of skin coming out under my chin, I see my face rounder and rounder the more I stare at it. I think a lot of people can relate to this. Truth is, it's all delusions. 

I mean, duhhh society has standards for beauty, but truth is, nobody really cares.

Really. Nobody cares.

I mean sure, if you don't look nice enough, there are always double standards. But again, it doesn't matter. 

Mentality is important, as long as you don't let negative things get to you.

Think about this.

You want to look pretty, but really, will people like you more if you're pretty. Yes, but not really that much at all. Maybe you're thinking "Hmm even just that little boost would be nice." Heh, you're not that shallow. You don't want to be that shallow.

What is pretty anyway? 

And what if you're pretty and people like you because you're pretty? Would you want people to like you just because you're pretty? Hell no. You don't want that.

Truth is, people will like you if you have a great personality. People will also like you if you have skills, or intelligence or just about anything that makes you stand out. People will like you if you have a character that outshines your appearance. Fixing your character, sculpting who you are, and being a better person takes you a longer way than facials and lipstick and a strict diet. 

Don't get me wrong, facials and makeup are fun. Diet for health and weight loss, that's cool. 

I'm talking about obsession over how you look. 

For weight loss, same goes to makeup, as long as you love yourself for how you look under all those clothing and foundation, deep into your bones through your skin and flesh. As long as you still love yourself, nude. 

I'm okay with how I look, but I do have plans to lose weight and tone my body up because it boosts my confidence when I have a great body. But I still don't mind how I look now, well maybe a little to be honest, but people around me don't mind me being a little flabby or having a double chin. They like me for who I am. 

That got me thinking what if they don't like me because I'm not exactly ideal or on par with their standards of beauty.Would I be okay? No. I'd be super depressed. But knowing there are people out there who will like you for who you are, and trust me there are people like that (like almost 80 percent of people considering 20 percent are psychopaths, I mean like real psychopaths, like mental patients) I won't want people to like me just because they like how I look. 

Can you understand what I'm saying? It's so messy. My train of thoughts is always jumbled up so everything I pen down is also jumbled up. No kidding. 

Point is...let me catch a breath...okay, point is, surround yourself with good and positive people. Think positive, have fun, be who you are. There are so many ways you can be with nice people, and there are so many ways of being beautiful. 

People who favour physical beauty more than what's on the inside will also one day love someone who is so much better on the inside than the outside. If not, they'd probably end up with an unhappy love life or marriage or life in general. Not cursing anyone, no offence, just putting up blunt assumptions which are pretty true. 

Do I make sense? I don't know where this is going. This is a shower thought tbt.


5. Personality will always outweigh physical appearance. (on rare occasions the latter will win, but just on rare occasions. It won't matter. Pinky promise. ;) )

4. Don't let the negativity get to you.

3. Surround yourself with positive people.

2. Be true to yourself, be who you are. 

1. You are beautiful, if you put your mind to it.  

How do I know this? Hah! Pretty girls don't know the things that I know. 
Just kidding. I planned this, lol, just wanted to use the line from Magnets - Disclosure ft. Lorde.

Love, C.

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