Tuesday 24 February 2015

Chinese New Year 2015

CNY is here! I love this festive atmosphere around.

I don't know but people always seem to get along around this time of the year, doesn't matter their past relationship statuses or whatsoever, I think it's the way we celebrate that makes people come as one.

I've always love CNY more than any other holiday, I love everything that happens during this festivity. It's beautiful and all smiles and laughter.

Sadly it's been quite a pressured holiday, loads of work + exam coming right up but I've got nothing checked on my to-do-list yet. Procrastination is poison.

Can't talk about CNY if there's no gatherings with friends right? We rented a bus for our class (which only half showed up but it's a great thing anyway) and we even had class tees *thumbs up*

Though it really was a tiring day. On and off, 5 minutes on the bus then getting off then on the bus again. It was quite hectic and by the time I've reached to latter houses, I was dead beat it was so tiring. But since it's the last year we'll ever do these class things again so it's worth it.

I wish for smooth sailing for days and years to come. 2015 is gonna be a bumpy yet thrilling ride. Now since the holidays are over, I am ready. *screams "fighting" silently*

Fingers crossed, C.

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