Friday 20 February 2015


Because sometimes things blow up and we break into a million pieces and we stitch ourselves back again piece by piece even if it hurts because life goes on and it doesn't wait for you to sit and cry so we get out of the house and people ask what's wrong because it shows but we brush it off and then they stopped asking and we feel sad again because no one really cared but who are we to blame and who are we to greed for the loving touch of others so we break into a million pieces again.

The irony of me writing this during the happiest time of the year.

Don't get me wrong, that's just something that came into my mind suddenly.

I'm happy now, since I learnt to just mind my own business. Doesn't mean I go around sniffing other people's crap. I don't talk my mind much (because people mostly don't hear them out), and saying whatever the majority goes with makes everyone happy.

Conclusion: Suck it in = happiness everywhere = WORLD PEACE

I'm planning to grow my hair out. Go back to long locks and see what happens. They say it wouldn't suit me, based on those old pictures of me. I'm not convinced, I need to see for myself. I believe I changed due to puberty (hahahaha no seriously this is not a joke, hahaha vanity level: 1000000) But even if it still doesn't look nice on me, I'll just chop it all off once again. It's just hairrr.

Exams in like what, 2 weeks? What a bummer.

Got loads of work to do but here I am blogging with two tabs open and one of them is showing 1 Night 2 Days and the other on some health and fitness website.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Ending off with a selfie from Wednesday night, technically Thursday morning. We were out on the balcony being constantly hyped by the fireworks, more of the noise actually. 

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